appoint a person duly qualified to fill said office, who shall
hold the same until the next general election for members
of the General Assembly, when a successor shall be elected
for the term elsewhere provided. The terms of all State and
county officers heretofore appointed for terms which will not
expire until during the years nineteen hundred and twenty-
five, nineteen hundred and twenty-six, nineteen hundred and
twenty-seven or nineteen hundred and twenty-eight shall be
reduced by one year, and their successors shall be appointed
for the terms now provided by law in the years nineteen
hundred and twenty-four, nineteen hundred and twenty-five,
nineteen hundred and twenty-six or nineteen hundred and
twenty-seven, respectively. In the event that the term of
any officer appointed by the Governor with the advice and
consent of the Senate shall expire in the year nineteen hun-
dred and twenty-five or twenty-six, the Governor shall have
power to appoint a successor, who shall serve for the full
term subject to confirmation by the Senate at the regular
session to be held under this Article in the year nineteen
hundred and twenty-seven.
SEC. 6. The General Assembly shall meet on the first
Wednesday of January, nineteen hundred and twenty-four,
for a regular session, and shall not meet again for a regular
session until the first Wednesday of January, nineteen hun-
dred and twenty-seven, and the General Assembly shall
meet on the same day in every second year thereafter and at
no other time, unless convened by proclamation of the Gov-
SEC. 7. The term of the Treasurer elected by the General
Assembly at the regular session of nineteen hundred and
twenty-four shall be three years. Thereafter the term shall
be the same as elsewhere provided.
SEC. 8. The terms of the members of the Board of Super-
visors of Elections of Baltimore City and of the several
counties shall commence on the first Monday of June next
ensuing their appointment.
SEC. 9. The vote to be held under the provisions of Sec-
tion 2 of Article XIV of the Constitution for the purpose of
taking the sense of the people in regard to calling a Consti-
tutional Convention shall be held at the general election in
the year nineteen hundred and thirty, and every twenty
years thereafter.
SEC. 10. The Governor shall submit three budgets to the
General Assembly at the regular session of nineteen hundred
and twenty-four, in accordance with the provisions of Sec