the suspension of sentence by the Court in criminal cases;
(b) for any form of the indeterminate sentence in criminal
cases, and (c) for the release upon parole in whatever man-
ner the General Assembly may prescribe, of convicts im-
prisoned under sentence for crimes.
Part I—General Provisions.
SECTION 1. The Judicial power of this State shall be vested
in a Court of Appeals, Circuit Courts, Orphans' Courts, such
Courts for the city of Baltimore as are hereinafter provided
for, and Justices of the Peace; all said Courts shall be Courts
of Record, and each shall have a seal to be used in the au-
thentification of all process issuing therefrom. The process
and official character of Justices of the Peace shall be au-
thenticated as hath heretofore been practiced in this State,
or may hereafter be prescribed by law.
SEC. 2. The judges of all of the said courts shall be citi-
zens of the State of Maryland, and qualified voters under this
Constitution, and shall have resided therein not less than five
years, and not less than six months next preceding their elec-
tion or appointment in the judicial circuit, as the case may
be, for which they may be respectively elected or appointed.
They shall be not less than thirty years of age at the time of
their election or appointment, and shall be selected from
those who have been admitted to practice law in this State,
and who are most distinguished for integrity, wisdom and
sound legal knowledge.
SEC. 3. The Judges of the said several Courts shall be
elected in the counties by the qualified voters in their respec-
tive Judicial Circuits as hereinafter provided, and in the
City of Baltimore, at the general election to be held on the
Tuesday after the first Monday in November, as now pro-
vided for in the Constitution. Each of the said Judges shall
hold his office for the term of fifteen years from the time of
his election, and until his successor is elected and qualified,
or until he shall have attained the age of seventy years,
whichever may first happen, and be re-eligible thereto until
he shall have attained the age of seventy years, and not after.
Provided, however, that any judge whose term has been
extended beyond the age of seventy years by the General
Assembly prior to April 7, 1931, shall be permitted to con-
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