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Maryland Manual, 1938
Volume 157, Page 497   View pdf image (33K)
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the Region, Islands, Islets, and Limits aforesaid, to be had,
exercised, used and enjoyed, as any Bishop of Durham,
within the Bishoprick or County Palatine of Durham, in
our Kingdom of England, ever heretofore bath had, held,
used, or enjoyed, or of Right, could, or ought to have hold.
use or enjoy.

V. And WE do by these Presents, for US, our Heirs and
Successors, MAKE, CREATE and CONSTITUTE HIM, the now
Baron of BALTIMORE, and his Heirs, the TRUE and ABSO-
LUTE LORDS and PROPRIETARIES of the Region aforesaid, and
of all other the Premises (except the before excepted) sav-
ing always the Faith and Allegiance and Sovereign Do-
minion due to US, our Heirs and Successors, to HAVE, HOLD,
POSSESS and ENJOY the aforesaid Region, Islands, Islets and
other the Premises unto the aforesaid now Baron of BALTI-
MORE, and to his Heirs and Assigns, to the sole and proper
Behoof and Use of him, the now Baron of BALTIMORE,
his Heirs and Assigns forever. To HOLD of US our Heirs
and Successors, Kings of England, as of our Castle of Wind-
sor) in our County of Berks, in free and common SOCCAGE,
by Fealty only for all Services, and not in Capite, nor by
Knight's Service, YIELDING therefore unto US, our Heirs
and Successors, TWO INDIAN ARROWS of those Parts, to be
delivered at the said Castle of Windsor, every Year, on
Tuesday in Easter-week; and also the fifth Part of all Gold
and Silver Ore, which shall happen from Time to Time, to
be found within the aforesaid Limits.

VI. Now, That the aforesaid Region, thus by as granted
and described, may be eminently distinguished above all
other Regions, of that Territory, and decorated with more
ample Titles, KNOW YE, that WE, of our most especial
Grace certain Knowledge, and mere Motion, have thought
fit that the said Region and Islands be erected into a
PROVINCE, as out of the Plentitude of our royal Power
and Prerogative, WE do, for US, our Heirs and Successors,
ERECT and INCORPORATE the same into a PROVINCE, and
nominate the same MARYLAND, by which name WE will
that it shall from henceforth be called.

VII. And forasmuch as WE have above made and or-
dained the aforesaid now Baron of BALTIMORE, the true
LORD and PROPRIETARY of the whole PROVINCE aforesaid,
KNOW YE therefore further, that WE, for Us, our Heirs,
and Successors do grant unto the said now Baron, (in
whose Fidelity, Prudence, Justice, and provident Circum-
spection of Mind. WE repose the greatest Confidence) and
to his Heirs, for the good and happy Government of the said
PROVINCE, free, full and absolute Power, by the Tenor of


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Maryland Manual, 1938
Volume 157, Page 497   View pdf image (33K)
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