General Extension.
This phase of the extension service of the University is conducted
in co-operation with the United States Bureau of Education and is in-
tended to make the Liberal Arts and branches of the curriculum, other
than Agriculture and Home Economics, of greater service to the people
of the State.
Agricultural Experiment Station.
The agricultural work of the University naturally comprises three
fields: research, instruction, and extension. The Agricultural Experi-
ment Station is the research agency of the University, which has for
its purpose the increase of knowledge relating to agriculture, pri-
marily for the direct benefit of the farmer. It is also the real
source of agricultural information for use in the classroom and for
demonstrations in the field.
The Experiment Station work is supported by both State and Fed-
eral appropriations. The Hatch Act, passed by Congress in 1887, appro-
priates $15,000 annually; the Adams Act, passed in 1906, provides
$15,000 annually; and the Purnell Act, passed in 1925, provides $60,000
annually. The Bankhead-Jones Act, passed in 1936, eventually will
provide approximately $35,000 annually. The State appropriation for
1935 is $48,600.
The objects, purposes, and work of the Experiment Stations as set
forth by these acts are as follows:
"That it shall be the object and duty of said Experiment Stations
to conduct original researches or verify experiments on the physiology
of plants and animals; the diseases to which they are severally subject
with the remedies for the same; the chemical composition of useful
plants at their different stages of growth; the comparative advantages
of rotative cropping as pursued under a varying series of crops; the
capacity of new plants or trees for acclimation; the analysis of soils
and water;.. the chemical composition of manures, natural or artificial,
with experiments designed to test their comparative effects on crops
of different kinds; the adaptation and value of grasses and forage
plants; the composition and digestibility of the different kinds of
food for domestic animals; the scientific and economic questions in-
volved in the production of butter and cheese; and such other re-
searches or experiments bearing directly on the agricultural industry
of the United States as may in each case be deemed advisable, having
due regard to the varying conditions and needs of the respective
States or Territories."
The Purnell Act also permits the appropriation to be used for con-
ducting investigations and making experiments bearing' on the manu-
facture, preparation, use, distribution, and marketing of agricultural
products, and for such economic and sociological investigations as have
for their purpose the development and improvement of the rural home
and rural life.
The Maryland Station, in addition to the work conducted at the
University, operates a sub-station farm of fifty acres at Ridgely, Caro-
line County, and a farm of about sixty acres at Upper Marlboro for
tobacco investigations. Experiments in co-operation with farmers are
conducted at many different points in the State. These tests consist
of studies with soils, fertilizers, crops, orchards, insect and plant
disease control, and stock feeding.
The results of the Experiment Station work during the past quar-
ter of a century have developed a science of agriculture to teach, and
have laid a broad and substantial foundation for agricultural develop-
ment. The placing of agricultural demonstrations and extension work
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