provide the funds for paying the costs of such exhibit. The following
were appointed by Governor Nice in accordance with the resolution:
Charles W. Galloway, Chairman,
Baltimore and Ohio R. R. Co., Baltimore, Md.
Senator J. Allan. Coad, Vice Chairman . Leonardtown, Md.
Hon. Emanuel Gorfine, Vice Chairman,
Hearst Tower Bldg.., Baltimore, Md.
Hon. Harry O. Levin, Treasurer 604 Union Trust Bldg., Baltimore, Md.
Warren T. King, Secretary,
Baltimore Assn. of Commerce, 22 Light St., Baltimore, Md.
Hon. Lansdale G. Sasscer .. Upper Marlboro Md.
Hon. Wilmer Fell Davis ...... ... Federalsburg Md.
Hon. J. David Baile ... .. Medford Md.
Mrs. Lulu W. Boucher .. ... . Barton Md.
Hon. William S. Wilson, Jr. 4219 Stanwood Ave., Baltimore Md.
Hon. William H. Labrot ... .. -R. F. D... Annapolis Md.
Herman Ireland .. .. Plum Point, Calvert County Md.
Hon. Howard W. Jackson, Mayor of Baltimore -. Baltimore Md.
Gen. Henry M. Warfield, President Baltimore Assn. of Commerce,
22 Light St., Baltimore, Md.
Charles E. McManus, President Crown Cork & Seal Co.,
Eastern Ave. and Kresson St., Baltimore, Md.
C. P. McCormick, President McCormick & Co., Inc.,
400 Light St., Baltimore, Md.
Trying H. Kohn, President Hochschild, Kohn & Co.,
Howard and Lexington Sts., Baltimore, Md.
G. H. Ponder, Executive Vice President Baltimore Assn.
of Commerce, 22 Light St., Baltimore, Md.
W. Frank Roberts, President Standard Gas Equipment Corp.,
Bayard and Hamburg Sts., Baltimore, Md.
Albert D. Hutzler, President Hutzler Brothers,
212 N. Howard St., Baltimore Md.
Col. Albanus Phillips, President Phillips Packing Co.. Cambridge Md.
William Fox, Proprietor Elkton Concrete Products Co. Elkton Md.
Ralph H. Greer .. .... ................. Salisbury Md.
Edwin S. Gehr, President Chamber of Commerce Westminster Md.
J. B. Ferguson, President Chamber of Commerce Hagerstown Md.
B. M Kamens, President Chamber of Commerce Cumberland Md.
H. Clifton Byrd, President University of Maryland College Park Md.
James F. Stewart Salisbury Md.
William K. Saxton, Manager Century Theatre . Baltimore Md.
Col. Wm. G. Knapp .. .. .... Catonsville Md.
Hon. Howard Bruce Baltimore and Light Sts., Baltimore Md.
Rabbi Morris S Lazaron 1914 Madison Ave., Baltimore Md.
R. Hammond Gibson .. Easton Md.
Robert H. Gibson ...... Easton Md.
(Ch. 331—Acts of 1937)
This Commission, established under provisions of Chapter 331,
Acts of 1937, consists of three committees, in addition to Governor
Harry W. Nice, Honorable Lansdale G. Sasscer, President of the
Senate and Honorable Emanuel Gorfine, Speaker of the House, who
are Ex-Officio, honorary non-voting members.