During the fiscal year ended September 30, 1936, the receipts of
the Commission, from all sources, were $11,265,614.31, and the expen-
ditures $11,499,868.71. The expenditure of this sum was made for
the following purposes:
Maintenance of County System of Roads $ 851,395.40
Payments to Counties for Debt Service on Road Bonds 698,268.66
Construction of Roads and other Projects in Counties 1,002,731.86
Cash payments to Baltimore City, being 30% of the one
and one-half cent (1/2 c.) Lateral Gasoline Tax and.
Refunds to "Incorporated Towns," and Truck Li-
cense Fees and Franchise Taxes 1,219,377.80
To Baltimore City for purchase of Trackage and curve
Modifications....Baltimore Transit Co. . .. 442,737.24
Appropriations to Ferry Companies . .. 13,687.00
Payments to Incorporated Towns .. . .. 34,577.97
Total disbursements for Counties and for Baltimore
City, from. Lateral Gasoline Tax, County Bond
Issues, and Federal Revenue .. .. 4,162,775.92
Elimination of Grade Crossings . ... ... ..
Reconstruction, Betterments, and Addition 1,187,493.73
Ocean City Protective Fund .. .. .. 2,552.07
Roadside Beautification .. 4,222.66
Maintenance of entire State Roads System .. .. 1,886,999.45
Net cost of Asset acquisitions, after deducting deprecia-
tion thereon, chargeable to projects .. 110,509.03
Materials and Supplies .. .. 17,266.64
Federal Funds Construction . 2,956,280.86
Bond Interest Paid . .. 192,700.00
Purchase of B. & O. Bridge at Harpers Ferry 37,519.46
Debenture Redemptions for 1935 and 1936 State Roads
Commission Bond Issues .. .. .. 380,000.00
Reversions to the State Treasury;
One..half Cent (1/2c) Gasoline Tax .. .. 637,746.59
Sign license Revenue .. 2,999.89
Contribution to General Fund 123,980.17
Accounts Payable (Distributed as Costs in 1935) .. 17,891.g0
Total at September 30, 1936 $11,499,868.71
The total worth of the State Roads System as of September 30,
1935, was $141,683,074.69.
Maryland Road Accomplishments in Figures by Years
1920 to 1936, Inclusive
Additions to Accumulative Mileage on
Year. System. State System.
1920 . 171.06 1,666.09
1921 131.10 1,797.19
1922 87.31 1,884.60
1923 . 211.04 2,095.54
1924 151.72 2,247.26
1925 181.76 2,429.02
1926 109.08 2,538.10
1927 105.46 2,64856
1928 144.85 2,788.41
1929 183.29 2,971.70
1930 281.41 3,253.11
1931 158.94 3,412.05