so applying, together with recommendations concerning them. Old
Age Assistance, Aid to Dependent Children, and Public Assistance to
the Needy Blind are administered by this Board. It is the official
representative of the State in regard to charitable matters and has
the administration of the laws regarding the placement of children
in this State by out-of-State agencies, and the supervision of the law
prohibiting the separation of babies from their mothers during the
first six months after birth. It is the selecting agency for all CCC
Enrollments in the State. It also certifies all persons eligible, on.
basis of need, for work on W. P. A. Projects, and distributes Surplus
Commodities received by the State from the Federal Government.
It also supervises the Special Child Welfare Services under Title 6
of the Social Security Act.
The Board is empowered to issue annual licenses to Institutions,
Associations, Agencies and Individuals having the care, custody, and
control of children with certain exceptions. It also is empowered to
revoke same.
Under Chapter 586, Acts of 1935, the Board of State Aid and
Charities is declared to be the central co..ordinating and directing
agency of welfare activities in the State, with authority to create
in each county a County Welfare Board, constituting an administrative
department of the local government. Such boards have authority to
administer public assistance and relief to families and individuals
in need, including the administering of relief under the Aid to Depend-
ent Children Law, the administering of Old Age Assistance, the admin-
istering of Public Assistance to the Needy Blind, the care of neglected,
dependent and delinquent children. Each County Board consists of
seven members, one of whom shall be a County Commissioner, and
serves for three years. The local board of each County and the
Department of Public Welfare of Baltimore City are charged with
the administering of Old Age Assistance. The Old Age Assistance
Law (Chapter 592, Acts of 1935 as amended by Chapter 149, Acts of
1936, and Acts of 1937, Chapter 12) provides for a State..wide system
of old age assistance by the local boards and the Department of
Public Welfare of Baltimore City, under the general supervision of
the Board of State Aid and Charities.
327 St. Paul Place
Baltimore, Maryland
Thomas J. S. Waxter Director 327 St. Paul Place
Advisory Committee
Howard W. Jackson, Mayor City Hall
Dr. Winford H. Smith, Chairman Johns Hopkins Hospital, City
Dr. Huntington Williams, Ex-Officio Municipal Bldg., City
William L. Galvin 815 Mercantile Trust Bldg.
L. Edwin Goldman First Nat'1 Bank Building
Mrs. Arthur Pacy 1606 Johnson Street, City
Dr. H. S. McCard 2029 Druid Hill Avenue
Dr. Esther L. Richards Johns Hopkins Hospital
Dr. George Walker 1 E. Centre Street