posed to be formed out of portions of two or more counties,
the consent of majority of the legal voters of such part of
each of said counties, respectively, shall be required; nor
shall the lines of any county be changed without the consent
of a majority of the legal voters residing within the district,
which, under said proposed change, would form a part of a
county different from that to which it belonged prior to said
change; and no new county shall contain less than four
hundred square miles, nor less than ten thousand white in-
habitants ; nor shall any change be made in the limits of any
county, whereby the population of said county would be re-
duced to less than ten thousand white inhabitants, or its ter-
ritory reduced to less than four hundred square miles.
SEC. 2. At the election to be held for the adoption or re-
jection of this Constitution, in each election district, in
those parts of Worcester and Somerset counties, comprised
within the following limits, viz: Beginning at the point
where Mason and Dixon's line crosses the channel of Poco-
moke river, thence following said line to the channel of the
Nanticoke river; thence with the channel of said river to
Tangier Sound, or the intersection of Nanticoke and Wicom-
ico rivers; thence up the channel of the Wicomico river to
the mouth of Wicomico creek; thence with the channel of
said creek and Passerdyke creek to Dashield's or Disha-.
roon's Mills; thence with the mill pond of said mills and
branch following the middle prong of said branch, to
Meadow Bridge, on the road dividing the counties of Som-
erset and Worcester, near the southwest corner of farm of
William P. Morris; thence due east to the Pocomoke river;
thence with the channel of said river to the beginning; the
Judges of Election, in each of said districts, shall receive the
ballots of each elector, voting at said election, who has re-
sided for six months preceding said election within said
limits, for or against a new county; and the return judges
of said election districts shall certify the result of such'
voting, in the manner now prescribed by law, to the Gov-
ernor, who shall by proclamation make known the same, and
if a majority of the legal votes cast within that part of Wor-
cester county, contained within said lines, and also a ma-
jority of the legal votes cast within that part of Somerset
county, contained within said lines, shall be in favor of a
new county, then said parts of Worcester and Somerset
counties shall become and constitute a new county, to be
called Wicomico county, and Salisbury shall be the county
seat. And. the inhabitants thereof shall thenceforth, have
and enjoy all such rights and privileges as are held and en-
joyed by the inhabitants of the other counties of this State.