counties as may thereafter form a charter under the pro-
visions of this Article. Such express powers granted to the
counties and the powers heretofore granted to the City of
Baltimore, as set forth in Article 4, lection 6, Public Local
Laws of Maryland, shall not be enlarged or extended by any
charter formed under the provisions of this Article, but
such powers may be extended, modified, amended or re-
pealed by the General Assembly.
SEC. 3. Every charter so formed shall provide for an elec-
tive legislative body in which shall be vested the law-making
power of said city or county. Such legislative body in the
City of Baltimore shall be known as the City Council of the
City of Baltimore, and in any county shall be known as the
County Council of the county. The chief executive officer,
if any such charter shall provide for the election of such
executive officer, or the presiding officer of said legislative
body, if such charter shall not provide for the election of
a chief executive officer, shall be known in the City of Bal-
timore as Mayor of Baltimore, and in the county as the
President of the County Council of the county, and all ref-
erences in the Constitution and laws of this State to the
Mayor of Baltimore and City Council of the City of Bal-
timore and to the President and County Commissioners of
the counties shall be construed to refer to the Mayor of Bal-
timore and City Council of the City of Baltimore and to the
President and County Council herein provided for, when-
ever such construction would be reasonable. From and
after the adoption of a charter by the City of Baltimore, or
any county of this State, as hereinbefore provided, the
Mayor of Baltimore and City Council of the City of Balti-
more or the County Council of said county, subject to the
Constitution and Public General Laws of this State, shall
have full power to enact local laws of said city or county.
including the power to repeal or amend Local Laws of said
city or county enacted by the General Assembly, upon all
matters covered by the express powers granted as above pro-
vided; provided that nothing herein contained shall be con-
strued to authorize or empower the County Council of any
county in this State to enact laws or regulations for any in-
corporated town, village, or municipality in said county, on
any matter covered by the powers granted to said town, vil-
lage, or municipality by the Act incorporating it, or any sub-
sequent Act or Acts amendatory thereto. Provided, how-
ever that the charters of the various counties shall provide
that the County Council of the counties shall not sit more
than one month in each year for the purpose of enacting
legislation for such counties, and all legislation shall be en-