It was the intent of the Legislature in authorizing the
publication of the Maryland, Manual to provide a ready
reference book of important information concerning our
State Government. My predecessors in office have endeav-
ored over the years to carry out the mandate thus given
and it is hoped that this volume wilt be found of equal value
to those which have preceded it.
In addition to the Charter and Constitution of Maryland,
and information concerning the Executive, Legislative and
Judicial Departments, other executive and administrative
departments, offices, boards, commissions and governmental
agencies which have been created, educational institutions,
city and county governments, the budget and financial con-
dition of the State, much other valuable data, both of his-
torical and present interest, will be found herein.
To all who have assisted in compiling the necessary mate-
rial and publishing this Manual I desire to express my sin-
cere appreciation.
Secretary of State.