make recommendations on the subject to the Governor and the Gen-
eral Assembly. The members of this commission are:
Herbert R. O'Conor Attorney General of Maryland, Baltimore
Charles H. Baetjer ......... .. .. Baltimore
John Littlepage .. .. .. Bowie
Sue E. Gautt. .......... ... ... .. .. .. .......... Millersville
Enos Stockbridge .. ... Baltimore
Harold E. West ........ .. .. .. Baltimore
Alexander Armstrong .. .. .. .. Ruxton
Chapter 526 of the Acts of 1933 created the Water Resources Com-
mission with general power to devise and develop a general water re-
sources conservation program for the State. The members of this
commission are as follows:
Abel Wolman, Chief Sanitary Engineer, State Health Department,
Edward B. Mathews, State Geologist.
O. E. Weller, Chairman, Public Service Commission.
Philip B. Perlman, Munsey Building, Baltimore - 1941.
Marshall Winchester, Baltimore - 1939.
The object of this law is to control, as far as practicable, the appro-
priation or use of surface and underground waters of the State; control
the construction and repairs of reservoirs, dams and waterway obstruc-
tions; to provide for hearings upon applications for permits and to
grant permits to appropriate and use the waters of the State, by the
State, or any person or persons, partnership, association or corpora-
tion, public or private, deciding to construct or repair reservoirs, dams,
et cetera; and to make such rules and regulations and issue orders
proper for enforcing the provisions of the Act.
(Ch. 39 - Special Session 1933)
(All Terms Expire June 1, 1939)
Name. Address.
Abel Wolman, Chairman ...... . ..... Baltimore
Nathan L. Smith. .. .... .. .. ....... ..Baltimore
Dr. Joseph Irwin France .. .... ........ .. ...... .... Port Deposit
Miss Helena Stauffer ... ............. Walkersville
William L. Galvin. .... .... ........ . ..... Baltimore
The purposes of this Commission and the Law in creating it are to
prepare and co-ordinate plans for the physical development of the State
by adopting a system of regional highways, parkways, parks, water
supply, forest reservations, airways and air terminals; advise with
various state departments, bureaus, local authorities and individuals
with a view to the co-ordination of all physical development plans re-
lated to State activities; and make surveys of rural land utilization,
to determine areas suitable for crops, for reforestration, for water shed
protection, for recreation, for summer residence, and for urban expanse,
to the end that suitable and proper reports may be made as in the Act