827 N. Charles Street, Baltimore, Md.
Secretary, Dr. T. L. McCarriar.
Name. Postoflice. Term Expires.
Dr. T. L. McCarriar..........................Baltimore ..................................................1937
Dr. B. Lucien Brun.....................Baltimore ............................................ 1937
Dr. J. S. Hopkins............................Bel Air .......................................................1939
Dr. Louis Rossmann...............................Baltimore ....................................................1939
Dr. Frank P. Haynes.............................Baltimore .............................................1941
Dr. A. P. Dixon.....................................Cumberland .................................1941
Governor appoints six; two biennially for a term of years from the
first Monday in May, from a list of four practicing dentists furnished
by the Maryland State Dental Association. (Bagby Code, Art. 32,
Sec. 2.)
The paramount duty of the Dental Board, as provided by the Den-
tal Practice Act of this State, is to regulate the practice of Dentistry
in Maryland by testing the qualifications of candidates.
It requires that all applicants for license shall be 21 years of age
and shall be graduates of dental colleges duly incorporated to grant
degrees in Dental Surgery by the laws of one of the United States.
Two annual examinations are held.lasting three days each.one
being in the month of June, the other in November. Each applicant
for examination flies with the Secretary of the Board a sworn state-
ment setting forth his age, name and address, college or graduation,
etc., together with the examination fee of twenty dollars.
The examinations are both theoretical (written) and practical.
(All Terms Expire May, 1937.)
Name. Address.
Charles E. McCleary.......................................... 769 East 36th St.
George A. Campbel............................................ 4218 La Salle Ave.
The Governor appoints two for a term of two years from the 1st
Monday in May. (Ch. 12S, 1898.)
This Board has general supervision over all stationary and port-
able engineers and it is its duty to examine all applicants to apply for
a license and issue such license to all who are proficient. The appli-
cant receiving a license pays to the Board three dollars, and one dollar
and fifty cents for each renewal, which renewal must be made
All persons above the age of twenty-one years who desire to fill a
position as an engineer must secure a license before he can enter upon
nis duties.
It is the duty of this Board to investigate all charges against
engineers running engines without a license and also charges of intoxi-
cation, for which, upon conviction before a Justice of the Peace, the
violator shall be fined not less than twenty-five dollars, nor more than
fifty dollars. The Board has power to annul certificates for intoxica-
tion while on duty.
It is also the duty of the Board to visit all steam plants wherein
licensed engineers are employed and ascertain if such plants are being
run with proper skill and care.