the interests of complainants and of the public generally in proceedings
before the Commission.
By Chapter 485 of the Acts of 1931 the Commission is given full
jurisdiction over taxicabs operating in Baltimore City. One require-
ment of this law is that all such taxicabs shall carry insurance or give
bond to indemnify the public.
741 Equitable Building, Baltimore.
Name. Term Expires. Postoffice.
William F. Broening, Chairman...............1940..................................................... Baltimore
Edmund Budnitz ........................................1941...................................................... Baltimore
Robert H. Carr........................................1938..................................................... Baltimore
Omar D. Crothers.................................1939.............................................................. Elkton
Dr. Charles S. Warner......................................1937.................................................. Forest Hill
Secretary, Albert E. Brown, Baltimore.
Adolph F. Schuch, Administrative Assistant, Baltimore.
22 Light Street
Baltimore, Maryland
Colonel Harry G. Jones (Term expires 1937)..........................Baltimore
Executive Staff
Chief Examiner:
Margaret D. Frank.....................................................................................................Baltimore
Chief Clerk:
Ruth F. Engel..........................................................................................................Baltimore
Lillian A. Hoshall.....................................................................................................Baltimore
The State Industrial Accident Commission was created by Chapter
800 of the Acts of the General Assembly of 1914 and provided for
three commissioners to be appointed by the Governor, not more than
two of whom shall be of the same political party. After the creation
of the first Commission the term of a commissioner was for a period
of six years.
At the session of the General Assembly of Maryland in 1935 the
personnel of the Commission was increased to five, not more than
three of whom shall belong to the same political party, two of whom
shall be the two Commissioners then in office whose terms expire on
April 16, 1937 and April 16, 1939, respectively, and the other three
Commissioners shall be appointed by the Governor immediately upon
the taking effect of this Act. One of them shall hold office for a term
of one year beginning April 16, 1935, another shall hold office for a
term of three years beginning April 16, 1935, and another shall hold
office for a term of five years beginning April 16, 1935. Upon the ex-
piration of the term of each Commissioner, his successor shall be ap-
pointed by the Governor for a term of five years. The Governor desig-
nates the Chairman.