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Maryland Manual, 1936
Volume 155, Page 425   View pdf image (33K)
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XIV. MOREOVER, lest in so remote and far distant a
Region, every Access to Honours and Dignities may seem
to be precluded, and utterly barred to Men well born, who
are preparing to engage in the present Expedition, and
desirous of deserving well, both in Peace and War, of US,
and our Kingdoms; for this Cause, We, for US, our Heirs
and Successors, do give free and plenary Power to the
aforesaid now Baron of BALTIMORE, and to his Heirs
and Assigns, to confer Favours, Bewards, Honours, upon
such Subjects, inhabiting within the PROVINCE aforesaid, as
shall be well deserving, and to adorn them with whatsoever
Titles and Dignities they shall appoint; (so that they be
not such as are now used in England) also to erect and
incorporate Towns into Buroughs, and Buroughs into
CITIES, with suitable Privileges and Immunities, according
to the Merits of the Inhabitants, and Convenience of the
places; and to do all and singular other Things in the
Premises, which to him or them shall seem fitting and con-
venient; even although they shall be such as in their own
Nature, require a more special Commandment and War-
rant than in these Presents may be expressed.

XV. WE WILL also, and by these Presents do, for US,
our Heirs and Successors, give and grant License by this
our CHARTER, unto the aforesaid now Baron of BAL-
TIMORE, his Heirs and Assigns, and to all Persons what-
soever, who are, or shall be, Residents and Inhabitants of
the PROVINCE aforesaid, freely to import and unlade, by
themselves, their Servants, Factors or Assigns, all Wares
and Merchandizes whatsoever, which shall be collected out
of the Fruits and Commodities of the said PROVINCE,
whether the Product of the Land or the Sea, into any of
the Ports whatsoever of US, our Heirs and Successors, of
England or Ireland, or otherwise to dispose of the same
there; and, if Need be, within One Year, to be computed
immediately from the Time of unlading thereof, to lade the
same Merchandizes again in the same or other Ships, and
to export the same to any other Countries they shall think
proper, whether belonging to US, or any foreign Power,
which shall be in Amity with US, our Heirs or Successors;
Provided always, that they be bound to pay for the same
to US, our Heirs and Successors, such Customs and Im-
positions, Subsidies and Taxes, as our other Subjects of
the Kingdom of England, for the Time being shall be bound
to pay, beyond which WE WILL that the Inhabitants of the
aforesaid PROVINCE of the said Land, called MARYLAND,
shall not be burdened.

XVI. .AND FURTHERMORE, of our more ample special


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Maryland Manual, 1936
Volume 155, Page 425   View pdf image (33K)
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