ernor by the Council (3 Md. Arch. Coun. 188). Apparently
(Greene was not commissioned by the Proprietary. He dis-
claimed to be a judge in testamentary causes. He was Gov-
ernor as late as March, 1648-9 (4 Md. Arch. Prov. Cl. 516).
8. William Stone, commissioned by the Proprietary June 9, 1047
(3 Md. Arch. Coun. 187), was in office as early as April 26,
1649 (4 Md. Arch. Prov. Ct. 603). Formerly of Northumber-
land County, Virginia, he waa made Governor, partly because
he promised to bring over five hundred colonists. On his
temporary departures from the Province he named the follow-
ing men to act as Governor, May 2, 1649 (3 Md. Arch. Coun.
231) : Thomas Greene and in case of his refusal, Thomas Hat-
ton; September 20, 1649 (3 Md. Arch. Coun. 242), to January
25, 1649-50 (4 Md. Arch. Prov. Ct. 638. Greene was acting as
Governor on November 19, 1649 (4 Md. Arch. Prov. Ct. 531)
the same persons; May 22, 1650, to June 25, 1650, Thomas Hat-
ton (3 Md. Arch. Conn. 266, 10 Md. Arch. Prov. Ct. 23).
9. Richard Bennett, Edmund Curtis and William Claiborne, Parlia-
mentary Commissioners, took possession of the government
March 29, 1652 (3 Md. Arch. Coun. 272). Robert Brooke was
President of the Council (vide 10 Md. Arch. Prov. Ct. 257).
10. William Stone, restored by the Parliamentary Commissioners June
28, 1652 (3 Md. Arch. Coun. 276), and ordered to issue writs
in the name of the "Keeper of the Liberties of England." He
ordered writs to run in the Proprietary's name on March 2,
1663-4 (3 Md. Arch. Coun. 300), and was deposed by the Com-
missioners. He acted as Governor on July 16, 1654 (10 Md.
Arch. Prov. Ct. 398).
11. Captain William Fuller, Richard Preston, William Durand, Ed-
ward Lloyd, John Smith, Leonard Strong, John Lawson, John
Katch, Richard Wells and Richard Ewen or Ewing; commis-
sioners appointed by the Parliamentary Commissioners July
22, 1654 (3 Md. Arch. Coun. 313). To this list were added
Sampson Waring, William Parker and William Parrott, who
sat on December 5, 1654 (10 Md. Arch. Prov. Ct. 407, vide 3
Md. Arch. Coun. 317); Captain Robert Sly, April 24, 1656
(10 Md. Arch. Prov. Ct. 412); Thomas Mears or Marsh on
June 26, 1655 (3 Md. Arch. Coun. 316. 10 Md. Arch. Prov. Ct.
419 ); Woodman Stockley on October 6, 1655 (10 Md. Arch.
Prov. Ct. 423); Michael Brooke on December 26, 1665 (10 Md.
Arch Prov. Ct. 430); John Potts, on August 13, 1655 (3 Md.
Arch. Coun. 317); Philip Morgan, William Ewens, Thomas
Thomas, Philip Thomas, Samuel Withers and Richard Woolman
all appointed by Provincial Court in March, 1656-7 (10 Md.
Arch. Prov. Ct. 493); [On September 25, 1657, Lloyd, Hatch
and Brooke were designated as Commissioners of the Quorum,
10 Md. Arch. Prov. Ct. 629, from January, 1655, until the bat-
tle of March 25, 1656, William Stone claimed power under
Baltimores' instructions.]
12. Josias Fendall commissioned by the Proprietary July 10, 1656
(3 Md. Arch. Coun. 323), was charged with assuming a pre-
tended power from Captain William Stone October 6, 1655 (10
Md. Arch. Prov. Ct. 427), on September 24, 1657, he took
oath not to be a disturber of the present government until
there be a full determination ended in England of all matters
relating to this government (10 Md. Arch. Prov. Ct. 463).
Fuller and the other Commissioners formally surrendered the