(All Terms Expire May, 1937.)
Name District. Address.
Dr F. L. C. Helm. - Western. - 2757 W. North Ave.
Dr. Otto M. Reinhardt Southern - Cambridge Apts
Dr. Thomas H. Phillips.. .Southwestern 1939 Edmondson Ave.
Dr Nathaniel VanWirt
Wright ......................Eastern - 1010 S Ellwood Ave.
Dr. C. W. Didenhover Northern - 850 W. 36th St.
Dr Erwin B. Wallace.... Central 2922 Rosalie Ave
Dr. Paul Schenker - -Northeastern - 1919 E. North Ave.
Dr. Cornelius Ham. .. .. Northwestern. - 1215 Hanover St
Dr. George S. Allen -..- At Large -- - . 507 Aisquith St.
Dr. Hubert T. Gurley - At Large -- 5142 Park Heights Ave.
The Act of 1929, Chapter 438, provides for an additional Coroner
at Large to have exclusive jurisdiction over deaths resulting from au-
tomobile accidents.
Governor, with the consent of the Senate, appoints one from each
Police District and one at large from the city, for two years from the
first Monday in May. (Ch. 123, 1898.)
Court House.
(All Terms Expire May, 1937.)
Allan Cleaveland.- - . .Chief Judge- -- -. - 2124 Mt. Holly St.
Emil T. Mallek-................Asso. Judge....-- ..- Hearst Tower Bidg.
The Governor designates, with the consent of the State Senate, one
Judge and an Associate Judge of the Juvenile Court. (Ch. 542, 1931.)
The Juvenile Court of the City of Baltimore was created in 1902, at
which time it is believed there were only two other Children's Courts in
the United States.
It has exclusive jurisdiction over children under the age of 16 years
and the general jurisdiction given by law to the Police Magistrates over
all offenses and certain special jurisdiction over adults who in any wise
contribute to dependency, neglect or delinquency of minors.
The powers conferred on the Court arc so wide and ample as the
Legislature can grant under the restrictions of the Constitution.
The Court is in session from 10 A. M. each day, Sundays and legal
holidays excepted.
(All Terms Expire May, 1937.)
Name. Address.
Harry L. Mills-- --..... ..- ..- --.... 23-25 S.Howard St.
Sam. W. Pattison. - --....- .- 407 N. Howard St.
Solomon A. Schwab - --.. ... -- - -. - - 908 Fidelity Bidg.
Louis Fox -- -- .- -. - .- . Park Ave. and Chase St.
Napoleon B. Lobe.- ---- . -...-- -. 108 Hopkins Place
Thomas C. W. Hobbs - --.---- -- 2906 Ulman Ave.
Vincent DiGiorgia-- --. ---... -- - Sharp and Lee Sts.
Abraham J.Billig . ... - .- -..-2325 Reisterstown Rd.
Richard M. Baker. -.. - --. - --- -1720 Homestead St.
Tames H. Galton - - - 708 N. Howard St.
Max Caplan - - - 3612 Fairview Ave
E. T. Newell - - - - 519 N Howard St
H. J. McCarthy - -- - 6619 Reisterstown Rd
David Kerner .- - - .- -- 2214 Baker St.