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Maryland Manual, 1936
Volume 155, Page 113   View pdf image (33K)
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Members of the Commission for Revision of Maryland

Motor Vehicle Laws

John E. Raine, Chairman of Revision, 1200 St. Paul Street; Auto-
mobile Trade Association of Maryland.
General Charles D. Gaither, Fayette and Fallsway; Commissioner of


D. Marshall Schroeder, Guilford Ave. and 21st St.; Deputy Commis-
sioner of Motor Vehicles.

Paul L. Holland, 1701 Munsey Building; Chief Engineer.P. S. C.
Nathan L. Smith, Federal Reserve Bank Bidg.; State Roads Com-

Preston D. Callum, Keyser Building; Baltimore Safety Council.
George A. Dornin, 319 Hawthorne Road; Grand Juriors Association.
Henry B. Potter, 803 Court Square Bldg.; Baltimore Transit Co.
Palmer C. Nickerson, 316 Baltimore Life Bldg.; Automobile Club of


Thomas F. Comber, Johns Hopkins University.
John G. Schilpp, First National Bank Bldg.; Baltimore Bar Assn.
Wendell D. Allen, 1209 Calvert Bldg.; Maryland Bar Association.
W. W. Cloud, 508 E. Preston St.; Taxicab Association.
George 0. Pooley, 4413 Groveland Avenue; Society of Automobile


G. P. Knox, 810 N. Charles St.; Manager Keystone Automobile Club.
Joseph Davidson, 400 Key Highway; Maryland Motor Truck Assn.
John White, 4401 York Road; Highways Users Conference of Mary-
Judge J. Abner Sayler, Fallsway and Fayette Sts.; Chief Justice

Traffic Court.
Edward McK. Johnson, Guilford and 21st Sts.; Captain of Maryland

State Police.
William Randolph, Secretary of Revision; 1200 St. Paul Street.

By Chapter I of the Acts of the Special Session of 1936, the Legis-
lature established a Commission to be known as "The Albert C.
Ritchie Memorial Commission," composed of 60 persons appointed by
the Governor.

The Act was passed in tribute to the late Honorable Albert C.
Ritchie, four times Governor of Maryland and once its Attorney
General, and the Commission was authorized to receive gifts and
contributions for the purpose of erecting or establishing a fitting
memorial or memorials to him. The Commission was empowered to
acquire and hold land necessary for the purpose of said memorials
and to do all acts necessary in the carrying out of its purposes.

The general chairman oi this Commission is Col. Stuart S. Janney,
1335 Baltimore Trust Bidg., Walter N. Kirkman, Secretary, 2411
N. Charles St., and Mrs. Eliz. W. Smith, Corresponding Secretary, 1335
Baltimore Trust Bldg.


(Ch. 49.Special Session, 1936)

This Act provided for the appointment by the 'Governor of a
Commission of nine members, to serve without pay, three for a term
of two years, three for four years and three for six years, beginning
within 30 days from June 1, 1936, and thereafter all terms to be
for six years, the chairman also to be designated by the Governor.


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Maryland Manual, 1936
Volume 155, Page 113   View pdf image (33K)
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