confirmation, and these thus appointed appoint annually a President
of the College, who, by virtue of his office, is the twenty-fifth member
of the Board.
In making the first appointments the Governor appoints as follows:
Four for two years, four for four years and four for six years from
June 1, 1922. In each of these groups three shall be residents of
Eastern Shore counties and one from elsewhere. At the expiration of
the above terms the Governor appoints a successor for the full term
of six years from June 1st. (Ch. 121, 1922.)
(Faculty will be found under Scholarships for this College.)
Institution at Towson, Baltimore County
State Directors: Postoffice. Term Expires.
Judge Frank 1. Duncan Towson 1937
Jacob Epstem Baltimore 1941
Samuel Hoffberger Baltimore 1941
H. Courtenay Jenifer Towson 1939
Philip S. Morgan Baltimore 1937
James Clarke Murphy Baltimore 1939
Superintendent, Dr. William A. Bridges.
Governor, with consent of Senate, appoints two bi-ennially for a
term of six years from first Monday in May. (Ch. 429, 1906.)
Practically all of the patients are free, only 10 per cent of the
maintenance being furnished by patients. Application is made through
the.. Medical Superintendent, and patients are received in order of
their application. Address communications to the Medical Superin-
tendent at the institution.
612 Union Trust Building, Baltimore.
Commissioners. Terms Expire.
James J. Lindsay, Jr., Chairman 1939
James H. Pollack 1937
N. J. Wimbrow 1941
Joseph M. Kelly Baltimore
Governor appoints three for terms of six years each. (Chapter 395,
Acts of 1931.)
The State Athletic Commission is charged with the supervision
of boxing and wrestling in Maryland. It appoints all officials con-
nected with the sport and its power is absolute. For its supervision
it collects 10 per cent of the gross receipts of all boxing and wrestling
Under the provisions of Section 7, Sub-title Finance Department, of
Chapter 29 of the Acts of 1922, this Commission accounts monthly to
the State Treasury Department for its receipts and disbursements.