Chief Judge, Postoffice. Elected.
Rich'd H.Alvey. Hagerstown, NOV. '82.
Associate Justicel. '
. L. 1. H, Irving, ErinoeBB Anne. Nov. 'TO.
John M. Robinson, CentrevIHe, Nov. '82.
Oeorare yeltott, Towson. Nov. '§2.
011 v e r M 1 lie r, ATlnapollg. Nov. 'SB.
John Rite hie. Frederick. Nov. 'a.
Freflerick Stone, Port Tobacco. Nov. '81.
^1X1. S. Bryin, 'Baltimore. NOVJ'SS.
First Judictil Cironit.
Worqeater.. Somerset. Dorchester and
^10011100 ciMintlw.
Associate Jlidgea,
Olin-leg F. HoUMid.* grilghiiry.
•C.F.Oold»bor<)ugh,C»mbri<lge. Nov. '74.
•Appointed by Ooveraor, Dec. 33,1884,
to flit TacftDcyoooutOQed brTWifrnaUoii
Second Ja^lciri Circuit.
Caroline, Talbot, QueeitAnne's, Kent,
.and Cecil couatlw.
J. M. BoMMfan, C.J„ CentireVIlle. Nov.'88
Associate JudReo,
Joaeph A. Wickel. Chestertown.Nov.W
. TreaertoK 8tninp. Blirton. Nov.'SB
Third Judicial Ciroult. /
B^ltimow and Harfoni oonotlea.
•GeOrKe Yeltott, C. J„ Towson. Nov.'88
Awootate Jlidgw. ':
James D. Witers, Belair. Nov.'71
DavW Fowter, Towson. Nov.'88
Fourth Judlolai Ciroalt.
Albany. Garrett Bn4 Washington
B. H. Alve^C. J^ Hageratown. Nov.'82
« AgsoclatoJuderM.
Antirew B.8y<a«wr, Hitreratown.Nov.'ea
;ll«nTrW.Hoffman, Curntierland. Nov.'82
. Fifth Jqdlotel Ciroult.
CanoO, Howara Md Anae Arundel
. .oolintiM.
Oliver MlllOT«C. J., Annapolla. Nov.'88
AMoetoM Judges.
1. ThOlpM Jonea, BlUcott City. Nov.'88
John B. Biitith, 'W•e8tmilll•ter. NoT.'88
Sixth Judlotel Cl^ult.
.Joh?'№^^^"J.. F?«(te^olc. NoT.'ti
Jolin A. LT^Sh'^'^9»te^]c.^ot.^
J^inT.VIlimn, Bockfine: »w.*tt |
Seventh Jiiillclal Circuit.
Prince Greortfe's, Charlea, Calvert and
St. Mttry'g uountles.
FFed. Stone, C.J., Port Tobacco. Nov.'81
Associate Judfeg.
J. B. Broolie, upper MarIboTO'. Nov.'81
J.Parran Crane, Leonardtown. Nov.'82
Eighth Judicial Circuit. BaltImoBB City.
The anprenie Swioh of Baltimore City.
George W. Brown, Baltimore. Nov.'IS
Aasoclite Judgeg.
William A. Flaher, Baltimore. Nuv.'82
William A. Stewart, Baltimore. Hov.'82
Charles B. Phelps, Baltimore. Nov.'82
Bdirard Duffy. Bultimore. Nov.'88
Term of office 15 ye»ra,gal«ry Clilef
Judges tS,SOl). AEnoctateJililKes (2.800.
Blectod under Art. IV, Sees. 19 and №.
Attorney Ganoral.
Chag. B. Boberta, Weatminigter. Nov.'SS
Elected, under Art. 6, Kec. 1, Coluit.
Clerk otConit of AppealB.
Spencer C. Jones, itookville. Nov.'TO
Bleotod under Art. t. Sec. 11, Coast.
Begorter Court of AppMis.
J. Schaal^tockett, Annapolfa. Jan.l8,'88
Term of offloe 4 yeara. Appointed by
Jadgea under 80th Art. F. G. L., M
amended by Act of 186T. ch. 410.
AdJt. General. Pogtoffice. Appolpted.
James Howard, AnnapollB. AlirB^'S*
ftROk of Major General, 8*laf]r 91,000.
Q. M. General, rank of B]-lg«roi:.
Jamea 8.Berrett,We8tminlst<n•. Apf.8,'M
Commissary General.
Henry 8. T»ylor. Baltimore. "
Chief of ^Ingineera.
J.CarrollWaigh.JeniBalemMUls. "
Giilef of. OKilUDoe.
Wio.M.MoKBil, Cumberland. " ,
Chief of Artiflery.
B.8iiowden Andrews,. Balto.CIty. "
Chief olC»v»lry.
Jofan6Ull.otB. . " " "
A. Cr. ChapmMi, JPort Tobacco. "
Paymagter (leneral. ."
Oeo. 8. Blown, Baltimore. . , '
Snigeon Oeneiul. .
William Lee. " «"
JndgeAdvoo«teOene^., .^
Jogeph B. Setb, Ba9ticiii,TM}Ot Co^"
idler Qeneral. AfpuWMiMa^iftHTim,
C».l«8. ' " ' |