To the Reader.
continuance, or were by an Act made in the third year of
King Charles the First, Intituled, An Act for Continuance, and
Repeal of divers Statutes, continued until the end of the first
of the next Parliament, should by virtue of that Act, be adjudged
ever since the Session of Parliament in the said 3d year, to have
been of such force and effect, as the same were the last day of that
Session; and from thenceforth, until some other Act of Parliament
be made touching the continuance or discontinuance of the said Statutes
and Acts in the said Acts so continued. Of which are
1 Eliz. 17. made perpetual, and the rest are Fifty seven in
number; whereof,
3 & 4 E. 6.
c. 21.
21 Jac. 22.
5 El. 5.
8 El. 10.
13 El. 21.
14 El. 5.
18 El. 3. &
3 Car. 2.c.4.
18 El. 20.
3 & 4 E. 6.
27 El. 14.
27 El. 24. |
31 El. 1.
39 El. 4.
1 Jac. 25.
39 El. 2.
39 El. 17.
43 El. 2.
43 El. 3.
43 El.
1 Jac. 25.
3 Car. 1.c.4.
1 Jac. 4.
1 Jac. 22.
1 Jac. 27.
1 Jac. 6. |
1 Jac. 31.
3 Jac. 9.
3 Jac. 10.
3 Jac. 11.
3 Jac. 13.
7 Jac. 1.
7 Jac. 4.
7 Jac. 11.
7 Jac. 13.
25 H. 8.11.
21 Jac. 18.
4 Jac. 2.
21 Jac. 20.
1 Car. 1.c.1. |
In all, Forty Acts, do relate to the Justice of Peace
his Authority,
I thought it convenient to mention them here, lest
the Reader finding any of these Statutes to be at the first but
Temporary, should not presently find how they stand continued,
the said Clause of Continuance being put in the latter
end of a Subsidy Act, where one would least look for it.
This present Impression of the Author, hath been all,
at least
once, much of it twice, compared with a former Edition of
this Book, and in many places material corrected; and some
part of what was added, obliterated and now omitted; what
was let stand, is by this mark in the Margent' differenced
from the Author.
What is now added, is to do the Author further right,
from his Text, and from former Additions, by
this mark " in the Margent in most places.
B 2