The Epistle Dedicatory.
your Lordship favourably to Respect me and it, I took heart
and incouragement to put the same in Print, after that I had
obtained (according to my humble Suit) your Lordships
favour for allowance and Patronage thereof,
Now it remaineth farther, to crave of your Lordship
only for my self, but for all that shall uprightly labour in this
Justiciary course, that we may receive from your Lordship
such Incouragement and Countenance, as that we may Couragiously
and Constantly undergo the charge imposed upon
Us, without fear of Oppositions, or other uncomfortable Disturbances.
So by your Lordships favour and means shall
Justice be the more duly Administred, and His Majesties Peace
be the more firmly maintained, to the Honour and Safety of
the Kings Majesty, and the good and peaceable Government
of all his Subjects. And so His Majesty will no doubt proceed
(as he hath begun) yet still to increase your Honour, for your
care in honouring Him, and his Royal Throne thereby; and
the People, who shall feel the goodness and benefit of your
zeal of Justice, will heartily and joyfully pray for your Happiness;
and God, beholding how you make Justice and Peace
to go together will, according to His abundant mercies and
infallible Truth, give you the everlasting reward of Justice
and peace: For all which I will continually pray, and besides,
Your Lordships in all Humility
and Duty ever to be commanded,