For the better use of this Book, and finding
out of the Authors herein alledged,
you must observe these short Directions
hereunder following.
FOr Fitzherbert, He was sometimes one of the Judges
of the Commonpleas.
Br. Brook, sometimes Lord Chief Justice of the Court of Common-Pleas.
Dyer, late also Lord Chief Justice of the Court of Common-Pleas.
Dir. Certain Directions or Resolutions of all the Judges
of Assizes, Anno 1633. and Imprinted for William
An. 1636.
Co. Sir Edw. Coke Knight, late lord Chief Justice of
the Kings
Bench, sc. His Books of Reports.
Co. Li. Sir Edw. Cokes First part of Institutes, &c.
upon Littleton.
Fi. M. Henry Finch, Apprentice del Ley.
Plow. Master Plowdens Commentaries.
Rast. Rastals Abridgment of the Statutes, imprinted
Anno Dom.
1583. He was sometimes one of the Judges of the
Lib. Intr. The Book of Entries, Impress. 1596.
Lbt. or Lambt. Master Lamberts Justice of Peace,
Impr. 1559.
P. Master Ploutons Abridgment of the Statutes,
Impr. 1606.
Cromp. Master Cromptons Justice of Peace, Impr. 1606.
P. R. Master Poulton de Pace Regis.
Ba. Sir Francis Bacon, his Elements of the Common Law,
Ba. V. His use of the Law.
Resolutions of the Judges of Assizes Anno 1633. to certain
Jones Rep. Jones Reports.
Bulstr. Bulstrode his Reports, whereof are Three Parts.
Mo. Moors Reports.
And. Andersons Reports, Two parts.