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Dalton's The Country Justice, 1690
Volume 153, Page 80   View pdf image (33K)
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    §. 1.

Fish-days.  Forcible Entry.

    ' If any Ling, Hering, Cod or Pilchard, fresh or salted, dryed or bloated,
' or any Salmons, Eels or Congers taken by any Forraigners, Aliens
' to this Kingdom shall be imported, sold, uttered, or exposed to sale in
' England, any person may seize it; one moyety to the Seizer, the other
' to the poor, where seized.  18 Car. 2. c. 2.

Chap. 43, 44

14 Car. 2.
cap. 31.

    §. 4.
    But now by the Statute of 32 Car. 2.  Stock fish and live Eels may be
imported into England, notwithstanding 18 Car. 2.
    ' No suspicious or idle person, shall in the night time assemble or gather
' together about the Boats, Nets or Cellars belonging to any Pilchard-Craft
' upon the Coasts of Devon, and having no business there, and having
' notice by the Company to be gone; Every person so refusing upon Complaint
' to a Justices of Peace shall pay Five shillings to the Poor, or be set
' in the Stocks Five hours.  14 Car. 2. c. 28.
    §. 5.     ' If any person shall use any Casting-net, Chief-net, Drag-net, Tramel-net,
Shovenet or other Net whatsoever; or any Angle, Hair-noose, Troll
or Spear or shall lay any Wear, Pots, Nets, Fishhooks, or other Engines,
' or shall take any Fish by any other means or device whatsoever, in any
' River, Stew, Pond, Mote, or other Water; or shall be aiding and assisting
' thereunto, without the consent of the Lord or owner of the Water,
' and be convicted by Confession, or Oath of one Witness before one
' Justice of Peace of the County, Division, Riding or Place, shall recompence
' the party such Damages, and within such time as the same Justice
' shall think fit, not exceeding treble Damages, and pay to the Overseers
' for the use of the Poor such sum of Mony as the Justice shall think fit,
' not exceeding Ten shillings, and in default of payment to be levied by
' Distress and Sale of Goods; and for want of Distress to commit the
' Offender to Prison for such time as the Justice shall think fit, not exceeding
' one month, unless he shall by Bond with one competent Surety or
Sureties be bound to the parties injured, not exceeding Ten pounds never
to Offend in like manner.  22 & 23 Car. 2.
    ' If a Fishmonger sell Fish at unreasonable prices, he is punishable for
' it by Indictment.  So likewise, if a Maulster buy Barly and sell the Mault
' at unreasonable prices, he is punishable for the same by Indictment, P. 12.
Jac. Rolls, part 15.11.
    Fesants vide Partridges.


    EVery Justice of Peace, in the Lent time, may enter into and search
all Victualling-houses, and finding there any Beef, Mutton, Veal,
or Hogs killed or dressed, (except Flesh to be killed Three days next before
Easter) may take and seize the same as forfeit, and shall give the same
to prisoners and other poor Folks by their discretion.


1 Jac. 29.
P. 7.


    §. 1.
One Justice.

CHAP.    XLIV.    V. 22.

Forcible Entry.

    WHat is Forcible Entry, and what is a Forcible Holding or Detainer;
see the other title, Forcible Entry, hic postea.


15 R. 2. 3.
8 H. 1. 9.
P. 2.

    Every Justice of Peace, upon complaint to him made, or upon other
Detainer of possession of any Lands, Tenements, or other Possessions
Dyer 210.

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Dalton's The Country Justice, 1690
Volume 153, Page 80   View pdf image (33K)
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