1 Will. &
Mar. c. 8. |
E N D A.
At the end of Chap. 4. add this.
BY this Act of 1 Will. & Mar. c. 8. the
Act of 1 Eliz. entituled, An Act
restore to the Crown the ancient Jurisdiction over the Estate-Ecclesiastical
Spiritual, and aboloshing all Foreign Powers repugnant to teh same, commonly
called the Oaths of Supremacy; and also the Act of 3 Jac. 1. entituled,
An Act
for the better discovering and repressing Popish Recusants, commonly
called the Oath
of Allegiance shall from henceforth be repealed and made void for so much
concerns the said Oaths. |
Stat. 1 El.
& 3 Jac. 1.
repealed. |
Ibid. |
And that the Oaths appointed by this present Act,
shall after the first day of
May 1689. be taken by all such Persons as were required to take
the said abrogated
Oaths, before such Persons as in this Act expressed, That is to say, Every
Archbishop and Bishop that now is, and every Person of and above the Degree
of a Baron, in the Chancery or Kings Bench in open Court between the
hours of nine and twelve in teh Forenoon before the end of Trinity Term
or at the General Quarter-Sessions between the said hours before the first
day of
August next, all which shall be put on Record in the respective
Courts And
all other Persons shall take the said Oaths, and subscribe the said Declarations
before such Person or Persons as by any Act or Acts were authorized to
the said Oaths of Allegiance now abrogated, and upon refusal to be liable
the Penalties, as by any such Statute was appointed for neglect or refusal
of the
said abrogated Oaths. |
When to be
Penalties. |
Ibid. |
Archbishops, Bishops or any other of the Clergy,
to take the Oaths before
the first of August 1689. or be suspended for six Months; And if
after the said
six Months shall neglect or refuse, then to be ipso facto deprived. |
Clergy. |