Chap. 180. |
Precedents of Bailment.
the King, for and concerning the suspition of stealing certain Corn,
wherewithal he standeth charged, that then, &c.
497 |
21 H. 7. 20.
Br. Main.
44. |
MEmorand' quod 30 die, &c. venerunt
coram nobis, &c. A. B. de, &c.
& D. E. de, &c. & F. G. de, &c. & manuceper
pro R. B. de L. in Com'
pred' Gen', viz. qulibet eor' corpore, quod idem R. B. personaliter
comparebit cor' pref. Just' & faciis suis Just' Dom Regis ad prox'
Session' Pacis in Com' pred' tenend' ad stand' recte in Cur', (si quis
versus eum
loqui voluerit) de diversas Feloniis & Transgr' unde idem R. B.
indictatus existit
(ut dicitur) & ad respond' dicto Regi de eisd' prout debet, &c.
Vide antea
tit. Bailment, that it must be upon a certain Sum of Mony. |
Cantab. |
And here Stare recte in Curiæ is, when
he that standeth at the Bar hath
no Man to object against him. |
153. |
Yet note, upon this last manner of Bailment the
Mainpernor shall be
only fined if the Prisoner maketh default, 21 H. 7. 20. |
Before the Statute of Marl. cap. 27. if one
arrested or in prison for
Felony had been bailed, and at the day the Prisoner would not answer,
but betook himself to his Clergy, &c. then his Mainpernors were amerced,
&c. But now by the Statute, if they have the Body at the
day they shall not be amerced, although the Prisoner will not answer,
&c. Neither shall they forfeit their Recognizance, if they have
Body of the Prisoner there, although the Prisoner shall not answer, &c.
and yet the words of the Recognizance or Bailment are usually, Ad
respond' dicto Dom' Regi, &c. ut supra. But these words seem
to be of
Alias, to bail a Prisoner for the Peace.
MEmorand', &c. A. B. de, &c.
D. E. de, &c. & E. F. de, &c. venerunt
cor' me M. D. &c. manuceper' pro R. B. de, &c. quod
ipse Pacem geret
erga omnit' popul' Dom' Regis, & præcipue erga I. S. sub
pœna cujuslibet Manucaptoris
20 l. & pred' R. B. sub pœna 40 l. & quod
pred' R. B. comparebit
coram Just' Dom' Regis ad prox' general' Session' Pacis pro Com' pred'
Lamb. 342. |
The libertate to deliver a Prisoner committed for Felony.
E. F. and D. E. Esquires, two of the
Justices, &c. to the Keeper of his
Majesties Gaol in C. &c. Greeting. Forasmuch as F.
G. &c. Labourer,
hath before us found sufficient Mainprise to appear before the Justices
Gaol-delivery, at the next general Gaol-delivery to be holden in the
said County, there to answer to such things as shall be then on the behalf
of our said Sovereign Lord objected against him, and namely to the
felonious taking of two Sheep, (for the suspition whereof he was taken
and committed to your said Gaol: We command you on the behalf of
our Sovereign Lord, that if the said F. G. do remain in your said
for the said cause, and for none other, then you forbear to grieve or detain
him any longer, but that you deliver them thence, and suffer him to
go at large, and that upon the pain will fall thereon. Given under
Seals this, &c. |
Cantab. |