Chap. 179. |
Precedents of Mittimus.
A Mittimus to send to the Gaol such as shoot, &c. in Guns.
To the Keeper of his Majesties Gaol at the Castle of Cambridge,
to his Deputy or Deputies there, and to every of them.
FOrasmuch as this present day A. B. and C.
D. of B. in the same County
Yeomen, did arrest and bring before me at C. aforesaid one I.
at S. in
the said County Mariner, whom they had seen and found the same day
(as they said) shooting in a Hand-gun, charged with Powder and Pellet,
at a Coney in a certain place in C. within the said County called
Churchfield, contrary to the Law of this Realm, and thereupon prayed
me that Justice may be done in that behalf. I John Cutts Knight,
the next Justice of the peace in the said County to the place aforesaid,
did then at C. aforesaid, upon the said request, take the examination
the said I. at S. and did also then and there hear the proofs of
them the
said A. B. and C. D. touching the said Offence. And
for that it did manifestly
appear unto me, as well by the Testimonies of them the said A. B.
and C. D. as also by the plain confession of him the said I.
at S. that he
had not then Lands, Tenements, Fees, Annuities or Offices, to the
clear value of 100 l. and that he had shot in the said Hand-gun
in manner
and form as aforesaid; I do send you herewithal the Body of him
the said I. at S. as lawfully convicted of the said Offence before
me, requiring
you in his Majesties Name to receive him into your said Gaol,
and him there safely to keep, (as his Majesties Prisoner) until he shall
have truly paid the pain and forfeiture of 10 l. of lawful Mony
England, laid upon him for his said Offence by the Statute thereof
made in the three and thirtieth year of the Reign of the late King Henry
the Eighth, that is to say, The one moiety thereof to our said Sovereign
Lord, and the other moiety to them the said A. B. and C. D. the
bringers of him before me. And this shall be your sufficient Warrant
in this behalf, Hereof fail you not as you will answer for your contempt
at your own peril. Yeoven at C. aforesaid, the 3 day of March
in the
20 year of the Reign of our said Sovereign Lord Charles by the Grace
God King of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, &c.
Defender of
the Faith, &c.
By me the said John Cutts.
Cantab. |
The Justices Record thereof.
MEmorand' quod vicesimo die Martii, anno
Regni nostri Caroli, Dei
gratia, Angliæ, Scotiæ, Franciæ & Hiberniæ
Regis, Fidei Defensor',
&c. A. B. & C. D. de E. in Com' pred' Yeoman, quend'
I. at S. de E. in dicto
Com' Mariner' invener' & viderunt apud D. in Com' pred' die
& anno supradicto
cum quodam tormento (Anglice vocat' a Hand-gun) onerato pulvere
& globo plumbeo (Anglice charged with Gunpowder and a Leaden
Bullet) in quendam cuniculum adtunc existent' in quodam loco ibidem
vocato Churchfield saggitantem, & exonerantem dict' torment'
contra form'
Statuti in Parl' Dom' Henrici nuper Regis Angliæ octavi
apud Westm.
anno Regni sui tricesome tertio tento) provisi ac editi; ac proinde
die & anno
supradicto prefat' I. at S. arrestaverunt, & apud D. pred'
Johanne Cutts
Milite, uno (& dicto loco proximo) Just' dicti Dom' Regis ad Pacem
in dicto
Com' conservand' necnon ad diversas transgress. & alia malefacta in
eodem |
Cantab. |