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Conditions of Recognizances.
day, during the time of Divine Service or Sermon; nor shall suffer any
person to lodge or stay in his House above one day and one night, but
such whose true name and surname he shall deliver to some one of the
Constables, or in his absence to some one of the Officers of the same Parish
the next day following (unless they be such person and persons as
he or she very well knoweth, and will answer for his or their forthcoming;)
nor suffer any person to remain in his or her House tipling
or drinking contrary to the Law, nor yet to be there tipling or drinking
after nine of the Clock in the night-time; nor buy or take to pawn any
stollen Goods, nor willingly harbour in his said House, or in his Barns,
or otherwhere, any Rogues, Vagabonds, sturdy Beggars, Masterless-Men,
or other notorious Offenders whatsoever; nor suffer any person or
persons to sell or utter any Beer or Ale, or other Victual, by deputation,
or by colour of his or her Licence: and also, if he shall keep the
true assize and measure in his Pots, Bread, and otherwise, in his uttering
of his Ale, Beer and Bread, and the same Beer and Ale sell by sealed
Measure, and according to the Assize, and not otherwise; and shall not
utter or sell any strong Beer or strong Ale above a penny the quart, and
small Beer or small Ale above a half-penny the quart, and so after the
same Rates; and also shall not utter, nor willingly suffer to be uttered,
drunk, taken, or tipled any Tobacco within his said House, Shop, Cellar,
or other place thereunto belonging. That then, &c. |
Chap. 176. |
' Note, That the whole Sabbath-day being holy, tipling
at the Ale-house
' at any time of the day must needs be a prophanation of the day,
' and therefore meet to be inserted into this Condition. |
3. That every Ale-house-keeper and Victualler,
so to be licenced, do
enter into Recognizance with two able Sureties, to be bound in 5 l.
apiece, and the principal 10 l. at the least, for the performance
of the
Condition of the said Recognizance, which shall endure but for one whole
year, and then determine, unless it shall seem fit to the Justice of peace
renew the same again, by taking a new Recognizance of the same Condition:
and whatever date the Recognizance shall have, it is to endure
but until the said Months of April and May, or one of them. |
4. That the Clerks of the Peace, Town-clerks,
or other Deputies respectively
be called to attend the Justices of peace at such their Meetings
or Assemblies; and that they do there take the Recognizance aforesaid
of every Victualler or Ale-house-keeper licenced, and do duly enter them
amongst the Records of the Sessions of the Peace in their charge, whereby
his Majesty may be duly answered of the Forfeitures that shall be
made of the parties so bound. |
5. That the Clerks of the Peace, and Town-clerks
aforesaid, or their
Deputies, shall, within some convenient time after the taking of the said
Recognizance, fairly engross the Recognizance and Condition in Parchment,
which they shall keep as the Original, and send a true Copy of the
said Recognizance, examined with the said Original, to every Ale-house-keeper
allowed, whereby he may the better inform himself what he and
his Sureties are bound to observe. |
6. That the Clerks of the Peace, and Town-clerks,
or their Deputies,
do write out, and bring with them to every Sessions of the Peace,
or other meeting of the Justices, a Register-book containing the true
names, surnames and places where every Ale-house-keeper or Victualler
that is licenced, doth dwell, to the end it may appear to the Justices
of the peace who be licenced, and by whom, and who be not, and what
other alterations have been from time to time, for the placing of Men of |