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Burials. Bridges.
Where men are charged by their Tenure or Lands, every
owner or occupier
of such Lands are to be charged proportionably to their said Lands.
Vide tit. Sewers, and Fitz. 235.b. |
Chap. 17, 18. |
Such as are chargeable to repair a Bridge, may enter
upon any other
Mans Lands or Soil adjoyning, and may lay their Stone, Lime, Timber,
other things necessary for the repairing and amending thereof, and
owner of the Lands shall have no Action thereof; for it is for the
profit, &c. 43 ss. 37. Fitz. Assize 353. |
Co. 11.32. |
Yea, where one is chargeable to repair a Bridge,
he must also maintain
the way at each end thereof, (though the Soil be to another;) and if
ends be broken by the Water-course, he must follow the Water-course,
repair the Way, &c. Crompt. 186.b. |
If a man maketh a Bridge for easment to his Mill,
and that decayeth,
the party nor any other shall be charged to repair this; for it is
no common
passage. Fitz. Bar. 276. |
Cro. 137. |
Defects of Repair of Bridges shall be presented
in the County only
where they lie, and no Presentment nor Information shall be removed
Traverse and Judgment thereupon. 22 Car. 2. |
§. 6.
Uses. |
Where Lands are given to the maintenance of Bridges,
the Feoffees and
Trustees shall let the same at the most improved Rent without Fine;
such Trustees make default, the Justices of Peace in their open Sessions
inquire of the value thereof, and may order the Improvement and Imployment
thereof, 22 Car. 2. |
§. 1. |
Particular Laws touching particular Bridges.
FOr Ten years the Justices of Peace in Chester
Lancaster, upon presentment
of the Grand Jury at their Sessions, the major part being
six, at least, may be Warrant under their Hands and Seals, to erect
new Bridge or Bridges in such place of the Highway, which any River
crosses, and to repair such as have been demolished during the Wars,
charge the County or any Hundred, to the Building and Repairing thereof
to be levied as Mony for Bridges usually is, 22 Car. 2. |
§. 2. |
The Justices of Peace in Monmouth, may within
Ten years, or any Six,
Quorum duo in their Sessions to levy Mony for the repair and
of Usk and Basalegg Bridges, so as in any one year it
exceed not 40 l. to
be levied and accompted for, as Mony for Bridges in that County.
22 Car.
2. |
§. 1. |
NO Person shall be buried in any Shirt, Shift, or
Sheet, made of, or
mingled with Flax, Hemp, Silk, Hair, Gold or Silver, or any other,
such as shall be made of Wool only, or be put into any Coffin lined
faced with Flax, Hemp, Silk or Hair, upon pain to forfeit 5 l.
to the poor,
for raising a Stock to set them on work to be levied by the Churchwardens
and Overseers, or any of them, by warrant from any Justice of Peace,
Major, Alderman, or Head-Officer, by Distress and Sale of the Goods
the Party Interred, or in default thereof of the Goods of any having
hand in putting the Party thereunto, 18 Car. 2. cap. 4. |