388 |
Felonies by Statute.
If any Person shall take a tame Beast, or other thing
in a Park, by
manner of Robbery, it is Felony; and the Statute seemeth to be but an
Affirmance of the Common Law in this point. |
Chap. 160.
3 Ed. 1. 20.
P. Fel. 24. |
§. 13.
Imprisonment. |
Imprisoning, or taking against their Wills (without
lawful Authority)
any Subject in Cumberland, Northumberland, Westmerland, and the
of Duresm, and carrying them away to make a prey of them. |
43 El. 13. |
Or, to be privy, consenting, procuring, aiding or
assisting thereto: |
Or, to receive, carry, or give any consideration
(called Blackmail) for
protection therein: |
Or, to burn any Barn or Stack of Corn there; or,
to be aiding, procuring
or consenting thereto. |
Every of these Offences is Felony without benefit
of Clergy, 43 Eliz.
cap. 13. |
§. 14.
Bigamy. |
Marriage: Sc. If any person being
Married, shall Marry a second Husband
or Wife, the first being alive, &c. it is Felony; except notwithstanding
where the Husband or Wife have been absent seven years, and the one
not knowing the other to be living within that time; except also persons
divorced, &c. by Sentence in the Ecclesiastical Court; and except persons
marrying within the age of consent. |
1 Jac. 11.
P. Fel. 4. |
§. 15.
Multiplication. |
Multiplication of Gold or Silver, or to practise
that Art, is felony,
5 H. 4. 4. Vide Dyer 18. Plo. 105. |
P. Fel. 21. |
Mony. |
Mony called Galley, Half-pence, Suskin or Dotkin,
and all Scotish
Mony of Silver, to bring and put in payment any such, was made felony
by the Statute of 3 H. 51. & 2 H. 6. 9. But they
are now out of use. |
§. 16.
Piracy. |
Piracy. Concerning this Offence, see the Statute
of 28 H. 8. c. 15. & hic.
antea. tit. Petty Treason. |
§. 17.
Plague. |
Plague. Sc. If any Person being
infected with the Plague, and being
commanded by any Officer to keep his House, shall notwithstanding go
abroad, and converse in Company, having an infectious Sore upon him; it
is felony. |
1 Jac. 31.
P. Fel. 3. |
§. 18.
Poysoning. |
Poysoning. Sc. Wilful killing
of any Person by Poyson, is wilful Murther
in the Offenders, their Aiders, Abetters, Procurers and Counsellers,
1 Ed. 6. 12. Co. 11. 31. But the party poysoned
must die thereof within a
year and a day after the Poyson received. See antea in the
Title Murther. |
P. Fel. 37.
P. Mur. 5. |
§. 19.
Priests. |
Popish Priests: To receive, relieve, aid or
maintain any such, &c. is
Felony, Here antea tit. High Treason. |
P. Jesuites
2. |
And Recusants. |
Popish Recusants, and such other Recusants and Sectaries
which (by the
Statutes of 35 Eliz. 1 & 2) are to abjure, if they shall refuse
to abjure, or
after Abjuration shall not depart the Realm, according as they shall be
or after such departure, shall return again without the Kings special
Licence in that behalf first obtained; it is felony without benefit of
Clergy. |
P. Fel. 5. |
§. 20.
Purveyors. |
Purveyors: Sc. If any Purveyor,
Taker, or other Person, their Deputies
or Servants, shall may any Purveyance, Takings, (or Prises) for the
Kings Majesties House, of any thing above the value of twelve pence (2
3 Ph. & M. c. 6.) in any of the six sorts following. See
tit. Purveyance. |
P. Fel. 25.
P. Purv. 30.
Lamb. 406.
Cromp. 48. |
1. Without Warrant or Commission under the
Great Seal, and do carry
the same away against the will of the Owner, it is felony, 28 Ed. 1.
c. 2.
4 E. 3. c. 4. 36 E. 3. c. 2. (Which Warrant
also they shall shew to the parties,
before they do take any thing from them. |
P. Purv. 1`4.
23 H. 6. 1, 2. |
And note, That no such Commission shall continue
good, or be in force
above six months, and they must be written in the English-Tongue; so
that every Man may understand them. See the Statutes 36 E. 3.
c. 2. 23. H.
6. c. 1. & 2 & 3 Ph. & Ma. c. 6. |