386 |
Felonies by Statute.
her turn served; and in lieu thereof, the Witch giveth (or offereth)
or her Soul, Blood or other Gift unto the Devil. |
Chap. 160. |
Also the Conjurer compacts for curiosity to know
Secrets or work
Miracles; and the Witch of meer malice, to do mischief, and to be revenged. |
The Inchanter, Charmer, or Sorcerer, these have
no Personal Conference
with the Devil, but (without any Apparition) work and perform
things (seemingly at the least) by certain Superstitious and Ceremonial
Forms of words (called Charms) by them pronounced; or by Medicines,
Herbs, or other things applied, above the course of Nature, and by the
Devils help, and Covenants made with him. |
Of this last sort likewise are Sooth-sayers or Wizards,
which divine
and foretel things to come by the flying, singing or feeding of Birds,
unto such Questions as be demanded of them, they do answer by the Devil,
(or by his help) scil. they do either answer by Voice, or else do
set before
their eyes in Glasses, Crystal Stones, or Rings, the Pictures or Images
the Person or things sought for. |
§. 6.
Imbezelling. |
Imbezelling of the Kings Majesties Ordnance, Armor,
Shot, Powder,
or other Habiliments for War, or Victuals provided for Soldiers, &c.
if it be by any person having the charge or custody thereof, and to
the value of twenty shillings, though at several times, it is Felony.
31 Eliz. 4. |
P. Fel. 33. |
Imbezelling of any Record, or parcel thereof, Writ,
Return, Pannel,
Process, or Warrant of Attorny in the Chancery, Exchequer, Kings-Bench,
Common Pleas, or Treasury, (by reason whereof any Judgement
shall be reversed)
it is Felony in the Parties, and in their Counsellors, Procurers
or Abettors. |
8 H. 6. 12.
P. Fel. 12.
Vide Co.
11. 33. b. |
' Clergy is taken away from such as offend against
31 Eliz. 4. As also,
' if any shall steal or imbezel any of the Kings Sails, Cordage, or Naval
' Stores, to the value of twenty shillings, and be found guilty by Verdict
' or Confession; or will not answer directly, or stand mute, or be Outlawed;
' he shall suffer death, without benefit of Clergy. |
' The Judge may Reprieve the Prisoner, and order
him to be transported;
' which if he shall refuse to be, or shall return in seven years, he shall
' be executed, 22 Car. 2. |
So the razing of such Record, is Felony (within
the said Statute of
8 H. 6.) Yet if a Judge do imbezel or raze a Record, this
is but Misprision
in the Judge, 2 R. 3. Br. Cor. 174 & Treason
31. |
1 R. 3. 1.
Co. 11. 3.
See 8 R. c. 4. |
But it seemeth, the Justices of Peace have not to
do with these two last
sorts of Felonies, (sc. with imbezelling or razing of Records) for
these Felonies are committed to other Judges to deal with, by the same
Statute of 8 H. 6. P. Records 4. See before tit.
Felony. |
Lamb. 53. |
§. 7.
Egyptian. |
Egyptian, sc. if any Person of the age of
fourteen years, or above, shall
call himself an Egyptian, or shall be in the company of such, or
shall disguise
himself in Apparel, Speech, or otherwise, like such, or shall be or
continue in England one month, at one or several times; it is Felony
without benefit of Clergy, 1 & 2 Ph. & M. 4. See Egyptians
antea. |
5 Eliz. 11.
P. Fel. 26. |
Note, That these manner of Persons are besides all
of them for the most
part Thieves, Cut-purses, Couzeners, or the like; and therefore the Justice
of Peace shall do well to be careful, not only in the examining of them,
but also to cause them to be well searched for Counterfeit Passes, stoln
Goods, and the like. |
§. 8.
Presenting. |
Every Person which shall acknowledge any Fine, Recovery,
Deed inrolled,
Statute, Recognizance, Bail or Judgment, in the name of any other |