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Maryland Manual, 1935
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39. Thomas Brooke, President of the Council, May, 1720, when Hart
went to England.

40. Charles Calvert commissioned February ?, 1719-20; presided at
time Assembly of October, 1720.

41. Benedict Leonard Calvert, commission dated March 14, 1726-7
Commission read in Council and oath taken July 3, 1727 (25
Md. Arch. Coun. 468).

42. Samuel Ogle, commission dated September 16th, 1731. Commis-
sion read in Council and oath taken December 7, 1731 (25 Md.
Arch. Coun. 549).

43. Charles, Lord Baltimore, Proprietor, present in Council Decem-
ber 11, 1732.

44. Samuel Ogle, commission dated June 20, 1733. Commission read
in Council and oath taken July 11, 1733.

45. Thomas Bladen. Commission dated April 19, 1742. Commission
read and oath taken August 23, 1742.

46. Samuel Ogle. Commission dated October 3, 1746. Commission
read and oath taken March 16, 1746-7.

47. Benjamin Tasker. Ogle died May 3, 1752. Tasker took oath
May 4.

48. Horatio Sharpe. Commission dated March 17, 1753. Commis-
sion reau and oath taken August 10, 1753 (6 Md. Arch. Sharpe
Papers 1).

49. Robert Eden, commissioned August 1, 1768, arrived June 5, 1769.

50. Richard Lee, President of the Council from May 28 to Novem-
ber 8, 1774, when Eden was in England, amid from June 23,
1776, to July 4, 1776.

During the years 1774 to 1776 more and more of time powers of
government came to be exercised by popular bodies tlmough time author-
ity of time Governor was still acknowledged until Eden’s departure.
These popular bodies were:

Provincial Convention—Chosen by the Freemen.
June 22-25, 1774 Matthew Tilghman President
Nov 21-25, 1774 .............................Matthew Tilghman President
Dec. 8-12, 1774 - - ...Matthew Tilghman - President
April 24-May 3, 1775 - ....Matthew Tilghman ..President
July 26-Aug. 14, 1775 - John Hall - - ...Dec. 7, 1775-Jan. 18, 1776 ..... Matthew Tilghman .PresiAug. 14-Nov. 11, 1776 _....Charles Carroll, Barrister President
Aug. 14-Nov. . 1776 - Matthew Tilghman . President

Councils of Safety Exercising Power in the Intervals
Between Conventions.
August 14, 1775 (first met August 29). This and all other commit-
tees served from the close of the convention at which they were elected
to the chose of the one next succeeding. Eight were from each shore
of the bay. Daniel of St. Thomas Jenifer, President; Matthew Tilgh
man, Thomas Johnson, Thomas Smyth, Henry Hooper, William Paca,

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Maryland Manual, 1935
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