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Maryland Manual, 1935
Volume 152, Page 328   View pdf image (33K)
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69.Havre de Grace Hospital. (The allowance made to
this hospital is on the basis of $1.76 per capita per
free hospital day) 7,500.00
70.General and Marine Hospital. (The allowance made
to this hospital is on the basis of $1.76 per capita
per free hospital day) 8,000.00
71.Easton Emergency Hospital. (The allowance made
to this hospital is on the basis of $1.76 per capita
per free hospital day) 14,500.00
72.Washington County Hospital. (The allowance made
to this hospital is on the basis of $1.76 per capita
per free hospital day) 10,000.00
73.Washington Sanatorium, Takoma Park. (The allow
ance made to this hospital is on the basis of $1.76
per capita per free hospital day) - 1,000.00
74.Peninsula General Hospital. (The allowance made
to this hospital is on the basis of $1.76 per capita
per free hospital day) 20,000.00
75.St. Mary’s Hospital. (The allowance made to this
hospital is on the basis of $1.76 per capita per
free hospital day, not to be less than $1,500.00,
and that the difference between the amount of
money in excess of $1,500.00 and the total appro
priation of $3,500.00, if any, which represents the
unearned portion of the appropriation, is hereby
appropriated to the reduction of the present in
debtedness of the hospital)- 3,500.00
76.Calvert County Hospital. (The allowance made to
this hospital is on the basis of $1.76 per capita
per free hospital day, not to be less than
$1,500.00) ......- 4,000.00
77.Montgomery General Hospital. (Theallowance
made to this hospital is on the basis of $1.76 per
capita per free hospital day) 7,500.00
78.County Commissioners of MontgomeryCounty. (The
allowance is to be used strictly on the per capita
basis, according to rates charged by Washington
hospitals) 5,000.00
79.County Commissioners of Prince George’s County.
(The allowance is to be used strictly on the per
capita basis, according to rates charged by Wash-
80. Miners’ Hospital 8,000.00
ington hospitals) - 16,500.00
81. Sylvan Retreat 8,000.00
82. Children’s Hospital School 20,000.00
83.Kernan Hospital and School for Crippled Children 19,000.00
84.Baltimore Eye, Ear and Throat Hospital 5,500.00
85.Allegany Tuberculosis Sanatorium- 1,500.00
86.Eudowood Hospital for Consumptives of Maryland 60,000.00
87. Jewish Home for Consumptives 16,000.00
88.Henry Watson Children’s Aid Society 11,000.00
89.Maryland Children’s Aid Society 17,500.00
90.Maryland Society to Protect Children 2,500.00
91. House of Good Shepherd 8,000.00
92.House of Good Shepherd (Colored) 4,000.00
93.House of Reformation for Colored Boys 20,000.00

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Maryland Manual, 1935
Volume 152, Page 328   View pdf image (33K)
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