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Maryland Manual, 1935
Volume 152, Page 298   View pdf image (33K)
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Against the Ratification of the Proposed Amendment

Candidates for Delegates-at-Large
Charles M. Elderdice, Pocomoke City, Worcester Joshua Levering, Homewood Apartments, Baltimore,
County, Md. Md.
Margaret C. Carey, 4311 Rugby Road, Baltimore, Md. Mary B. Haslup, Gilman Apartments, Baltimore, Md.
George W. Corner, Jr., 3902 Juniper Road, Baltimore, Md. Leonard B. Smith, 3600 Copley Road, Baltimore, Md.

Counties and Baltimore City
Allegany -
Anne Arundel ......
Baltimore ....
Calvert . .
Caroline .
Charles -
Frederick -
Howard ......
Kent - -
St. Mary’s - - ..
Somerset -.-
Talbot --
Wicomico .

Elderdice Carey CornerLevering Haslup . Smith
2,387 2,409 2,413 2,390 2,385 2,403
1,067 1,075 1,078 1,066 1,061 1,074
2,621 2,651 2,675 2,641 2,605 2,643
212 215 214 211 211 205
952 952 952 953 951 958
3,244 3,220 3,229 3,219 3,210 3,227
1,474 1,484 1,480 1,475 1,474 1,467
155 156 154 154 154 154
1,549 1,554 1,538 1,540 1,535 1,531
3,523 3,532 3,535 3,519 3,526 3,507
1,758 1,767 1,768 1,761 1,763 1,757
1,601 1,610 1,607 1,609 1,607 1,606

654 659 657 650 652 650
790 791 786 788 791 788
2,910 2,916 2,907 2,898 2,902 2,895
1,319 1,342 1,332 1,315 1,316 1,311
467 468 466 466 464 464
85 87 88 84 86 86
1,195 1,196 1,197 1,186 1,186 1,174
924 923 925 926 928 919
2,539 2,538 2,536 2,525 2,530 2,522
2,003 2,016 2,005 1,995 1,998 1,999
845 848 839 840 837 832
11,085 11,298 11,395 11,027 11,001 11,159
45,359 45,707 45,776 45,238 45,173 45,331

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Maryland Manual, 1935
Volume 152, Page 298   View pdf image (33K)
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