The Legislature of 1933 took prompt advantage of the liberalization
of the Volstead Act, and the sale of beer was authorized in Baltimore
City, and in all counties of the State except three, Caroline, Carroll
and Garrett Counties, in each of which the same was made subject to
a referendum.
The State-wide beer law is Chapter 213 of the Acts of 1933. This
Act legalizes the manufacture, transportation and sale of beer and
wines containing 3.2 percentum of alcohol by weight. Licenses are
granted by the Clerks of the several Circuit Courts, and are divided
into two classes. "On Sale Licenses" permit the sale of such beverages
for consumption on the premises only, and the license fee for this is
$50.00 a year. "Off Sale Licenses" permit the sale of such beverages
in packages containing not less than one dozen bottles, or single con-
tainers of not less than five gallons content, for consumption off the
premises only, and the license fee for this is $25.00 a year.
Each application for a license must be supported by the affidavit of
ten reputable citizens, voters and taxpayers. Tbe application must then
be advertised in a local newspaper, and if objections in proper form are
not filed within a period of one week, then the license is forthwith
issued. If objections are filed within said period by ten or more rep-
utable citizens, voters and taxpayers residing in the election district
in question, then the same are referred to the Bureau of State Licenses,
and are there heard and decided by the Chief Inspector and two as-
sistants, appointed by the Comptroller, subject to the approval of the
For this purpose the said Bureau consists of the following:
Chief Inspector:
Frank P. Bratten, Pocomoke City.
W. Clinton McSherry, Frederick.
L. Franklin Purnell, Ocean City.
This law applies to the following counties of the State: Anne
Arundel, except the City of Annapolis; Calvert, Cecil, Charles, Dor-
chester, Frederick, Kent, Montgomery, Queen Anne’s, Somerset, Talbot,
Wicomico and Worcester.
Baltimore City and the following counties are exempted from the
application of the Act: Baltimore, Harford, Howard, Prince George’s,
St. Mary’s, Caroline, Allegany, Washington, Garrett, Carroll and the
City of Annapolis.
The Legislature of 1933 enacted special laws covering the sale of
beer in each of the above exempted counties, and in the City of An-
The chapter numbers of these laws are as follows:
Allegany 389
City of Annapolis 392
Baltimore 522
Caroline 523
Carroll 525
Garrett 524
Harford 393
Howard 489