J. Alexis Shriver, Bel Air.
Robert S. Shriver, 65 Broad Street, New York.
Percy G. Skirven, 2738 Reisterstown Road, Baltimore.
Robert F. Skutch, 419 N. Charles St., Baltimore.
Mrs. Tunstall Smith, Preston Apartments, Baltimore.
Mrs. Albert Sioussat, Stafford Rotel, Baltimore.
Frederick P. Stieff, 315 N. Howard Street, Baltimore
Mrs. Sarah D. Avirett-Thomas, Cumberland.
Mrs. Harry S. Taylor, 106 Midhurst Road, Baltimore.
Mrs. T. Roland Thomas, 1118 N. Calvert Street, Baltimore.
Dr. Ralph P. Truitt, 223 W. Lanvale Street, Baltimore.
Hon. Millard E. Tydings, United States Senate, Washington, D. C.
Leo P. Ward, 22 S. Augusta Avenue, Baltimore.
Edwin Warfield, Jr., Woodbine, Howard County.
Mrs. Robert A. Welsh, Millersville.
Joseph L. Wheeler, Uffington Road, Baltimore.
Mrs. Miles White, 4603 Kerne%vay, Baltimore.
Miss Elizabeth Chew Williams, 108 E. 39th Street, Baltimore.
Lawrence P. Williams, Wynne.
William Woodward, 11 Nassau Street, New York.
Mrs. Benjamin W. Woolford, 4205 Roland Avenue, Baltimore.
Lawrence C. Wroth, John Carter Brown Library, Providence, R. I.
Mrs. F. Eugene Wathen, 1404 Eutaw Place. Baltimore.
Comdr. Philip Van Horn Weems, Annapolis.
Dr. Waltcr D. Wise, 8 Charlcotc Place, Baltimore.
Dr. Hugh H. Young, Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore.
Mrs. Henry Zoller, Jr., Charicote Place, Baltimore.
Legislative Commissions appointed to represent the Senate (Senate
Journal, 1927, page 795) Senator S. Scott Beck, Kent County; Senator
J. Allan Coad, St. Mary’s County, and Senator Edward J. Colgan. Third
Legislative District, Baltimore City. Appointed to represent the House
(House Journal, 1927, page 1409). Speaker E. Brooke Lee, Montgomery
County; Daniel C. Joseph, Baltimore City; Francis A. Michel, Balti-
more City; Fendall Marbury, Baltimore City, and Lawrence P. Williams,
St. Mary’s County.
Provided for by Act of 1931. Chapter 487, Section 3, for the purpose
of caring for the Tercentenary Memorial at St. Clement’s Island and
for the replica of the original State House and the adjacent land at
St. Mary’s City. The memhers serve until the end of Governor Ritchie’s
term on January 9th, 1935, and their successors are to be appointed
for terms of four years each. The following members were appointed:
Senator J. Allan Coad Leonardtown
Mrs. Edward Shoemaker Baltimore
Mrs. J. Spenee Howard St. Mary’s City
Mr. Blanchard Randall Baltimore
Mr William F. Herbert Dynard
Provided for by Acts 1924, Ch. 549, for the continuous study of
the methods of practice and procedure in the Courts of Maryland, to
submit suggestions from time to time for the consideration of the
Judges, and to report its recommendations each session of the General
Chief Judge of the Court of Appeals, President of the Council—
Judge Carroll T. Bond, Baltimore City.