Linden Avenue and Dolphin Streets.
(Terms Expire 1937.)
Name. Postoffice.
Dr. H. V. Smith, President Frederick
Dr. Hulbert Young, Secretary Baltimore
Dr. Glenn W. Homer Westminster
Dr. H. J. McCarthy Howardsville
Dr. Thomas Ladson . ..Olney
The Governor appoints five for four years from the first Monday in
May. (Bagby Code, Art. 43, Sec. 136.)
The State Veterinary Medical Board is authom ized to issue licenses
entitling the holders thereof to practise veterinary medicine and
surgery in tile State of Maryland. It shall be unlawful for any per-
son or persons to practise veterinary medicine or surgery in the State
of Maryland without having previously obtained a diploma from a
college duly authorized to grant such to students of veterinary medi-
cine and surgery and who shall also pass a satisfactory examination
before the State Veterinary Medical Board. The Board is required
to examine all diplomas as to their genuineness, and each appli-
cant shall submit to a theoretical and practical examination before the
Board. It is the duty of the Board to keep a register of all prac-
tioners qualified to practice veterinary medicine and surgery or any
branches thereof in the State, and have said register open to the public
at all reasonable hours.
Warehouse, Charles and Conway Streets, Baltimore.
(Term Expires 1935.)
Name. Postoffice.
F. Brooke Matthews LaPlata, Charles Co., Md.
Chief Clerk:
J. Harry Haley .. Scotland, St. Mary’s Co., Md.
Governor, without Senate confirmation, appoints one for two years.
f romn 1st Monday in March. (Ch. 39, 1920.)
Chapter 39 of the Acts of 1920 provided that the Tobacco Inspector
who hmad heretofore been appointed by the State Board of Agriculture,
should be appointed by the Governor. The Inspector of Tobacco must
be a tobacco grower or a duly qualified leaf-tobacco dealer, and a resi-
dent of one of the tobacco growing counties of the State. He has
charge of time State Tobacco Warehouses and other property connected
therewith in the City of Baltimore.
Receipts for 1933 27,194 Hhds.
Shipments for 1933 36,366
Stock on hand January 1st, 1934 14,093