Terms are four years. Appointees must be selected from lists fur-
nished the Governor by the Maryland Association of Optometrists. (Ch.
231, 1922.)
The duties of the Board are to examine all persons not exempt kn
this Act desiring to practice optometry in the State of Maryland and if
found qualified, to issue certificates of examination and registration,
which must he recorded in the city or county of permanent residence.
To transact such business as brought before it as concerns the prac-
tice of Optometry and as outlined in Optometry Act.
516 Park Ave., Baltimore.
Name. Term Expires. Postoffice
Richard G. Stevenson, Pres 1937 Hagerstown
W. S. Heatwohe 1937 .........Salisbury
LeGrande M. Bennett 1936 Baltimore
Eleanor R. Dashiell 1936 Annapolis
Henry A. McMains, Sec’y 1936 516 Park Ave., Baltimore
Governor appoints five from a full list of members in good standing
of time Maryland Osteopathic Association, two for 1 year, two for 2
years, and one for 3 years, and as these terms expire the successor is
appointed for 3 years from the first day of June. (Cb. 786,1914.)
The Maryland Board of Osteopathic Examiners on receiving appli-
cations for license to practice Osteopathy within the State, investigate
credentials of said applicant and if they meet the requirements, a
license is issued by said Examining Board. Two stated meetings are
held each year for the examining of such applicants whose credentials
will net warrant the issuing of a license through the previous practice,
or Reciprocity Acts. Said Examining Board co-operates with muni-
cipal and State officials in enforcing the laws regulating the practice.
Name. Postoffice. Term Expires.
Lloyd N. Richardson, President Bel Air 1938
Robert L. Swain, Secy.-Treas Baltimore 1935
L. M. Kantner Baltimore 1939
William C. Powell Snow Hill 1937
Harry R. Rudy Hagerstown 1936
Address the Secretary, 2411 NCharles Street, Baltimore, Md.
The Governor appoints five, one annually for a term of five years.
Two shall be residents of Baltimore City and three residents of the
counties. (Ch. 179, 1902.)
This Board is for the purpose of examining all candidates that
might present themselves for an examination as Pharmacists.
Time Board keeps a record of all registered Pharmacists and regis-
tered Assistant Pharmacists of Maryland.
Any information pertaining to pharmacy in Maryland should be
addressed to the Secretary of the Board, who can supply a copy of any
pharmacy law of Maryland.