Act due to the fact that the private insurance companies would refuse
to carry their risk. Furthermore, they felt that inasmuch as this form
of insurance was compulsory under the State Law, that they should
provide a place where the insurance could be secured at practicaliy the
cost of writing this form of insurance. They, therefore, created the
State Accident Fund to be administered by the State Industrial Acci-
dent Commission. This Fund has grown gradually and has become the
largest writer of Compensation Insurance of Maryland business in the
State and is in a strong financial condition, affording sure and ample
protection under the Workmen’s Compensation Law of Maryland. Due
to the fact that the Fund is endeavoring to furnish this protection at
as near cost as possible, it has saved a great deal of money for those
who have insured through it.
Effective March 1, 1926, the Commission inaugurated a new merit-
rating system, the purpose of which is to reward and stimulate the
policyholders of the Fund in their work of accident prevention and to
measure the rate more closely to the individual hazard of the policy-
holder, preserving to the policyholder, of course, the basic principles of
insurance protection, so that any severe losses will still be distributed.
This merit-rating system is working out very satisfactorily, and is offer-
ing an incentive to the policyholder to take a greater interest in accident
prevention in his plant.
The expense of operating the State Industrial Accident Commission
is not a burden upon the taxpayers of the State as the entire expense
of the Commission, not including the State Accident Fund, is borne by
the private insurance companies which write Compensation Insurance,
self-insurers and the State Accident Fund, while the cost of operating
the State Accident Fund is borne by policyholders insuring in the Fund.
Office, 16 West Saratoga Street, Baltimore
Name Postofflee.
Dr. J. Knox Insley .. Baltimore
(Term Expires 1935.)
Chief Clerk:
Kathryne P. Rogers ...Anneslie
Medical Examiners:
Dr. Wright S. Sudler Baltimore
Dr. Henry Sheppard, Jr Baltimore
A. Louise Murphy Baltimore
Supervisor of Special Permit Department:
Mary M. Wootton Baltimore