County Commissioners of Montgomery Coun-
ty. (This allowance is to be used strictly
on the per capita basis acccharged by Washington Hospitals) - 6,000.00
County Commissioners of Prince George’s
County. (This allowance is to be used
strictly on the per capita basis according to
rates charged by Washington Hospitals 6,000.00
Miners’ Hospital 10,000.00
Sylvan Retreat - - - 8,000.00
Children’s Hospital School -10,000.00
Kernan Hospital and School for Crippled
Children - 16,000.00
Baltimore Eye, Ear and Throat Hospital 8,000.00
Al legany Tuberculosis Sanatorium1500.00
Eudowood Hospital for Consumptives of
Maryland 60,000.00
Jewish Home for Consumptives 16,000.00
Henry Watson Children’s Aid Society 8,000.0(1
Maryland Children’s Aid Society -17,500.00
Maryland Society to Protect Children 2,500.00
House of Good Shepherd - 8,000.00
House of Good Shepherd (Colored) - 4,000.00
house of Reformation f or Colored Boys 20,000.(,0
Pomonkey Industrial School - 500.00
St. Mary’s Industrial School -60,000.00
Maryland Tuberculosis Association (Clai
borne). (The allowance ‘made is on the
basis of 50 cents per capita per free hos
pital day) - - 6,000.00
Maryland Workshop for the Blind - 20,000.00
Maryland Prisoners’ Aid Association - 5,000.00
Maryland State Firemen’s Association 2,800.00
Agricultural Fair Association - -7,500.00
Peninsula Horticultural Society - - 300.00
Keating Memorial Day Nursery - -1,500.00
Cardinal Gibbons Institute ..... - 3,000.00
Mt. Olivet Orphanage 1,000.00
Memorial hospital. (The allowance made to
this hospital is on the basis of $1.76 per
capita per free hospital day.)11,000.00
Wicomico Children’s Home - 500.00
Johns Hopkins Hospital. (The allowance to
this hospital is on the basis of 88 cents per
capita per free hospital day.)15,000.00
Church Home of the M. E. Conference for
Aged and Orphans, Gaithersburg1,500.00
Total Appropriations from General Funds. $1,179,100.00