mont), 18 (Woodville), 20 (Lewistown), 24 (Braddock), 25 (Bruns-
wick), and 26 (Walkersville).
Beer and light wine, but not distilled liquor, may be sold in
Election District No. 14 (Jefferson).
Beer only may be sold in Election Districts Nos. 3 (Middletown),
17 (Johnsville) and 22 (Burkittsville).
Neither beer, wine nor distilled liquor may be sold in Election
Districts Numbers 6 (Cacoctin), 10 (ilauvers), 16 (Jackson), 19
(Linganore), 21 (Tuscarora), 23 (Ballenger).
Under Chapter 92 of the Special Session of 1933, beer and light
wine licenses, Classes A, B and C only, may be issued in accord-
ance with the provisions of the state-wide law (Chapter 2 of the
Special Session) and beer, wine and liquor licenses, Classes A and
C only, may be issued in accordance with the provisions of said
state-wide law.
The Governor appoints a License Commissioner for Frederick
County, who shall exercise all of the powers conferred upon the
Board of License Commissioners by the state-wide law.
In Harford County, under Chapter 4 of the Special Session of
1933, it is made lawful for government licensed and regulated
breweries and distilleries to operate. Under Chapter 22 of the
Acts of said Special Session, licenses may be issued for the sale
of beer containing not more than 6% of alcohol by volume and
wine and other fermented beverages containing not more than
14% of alcohol by volume. "On sale" licenses shall be granted only
to bona fide restaurants, incorporated clubs and hotels.
Chapter 53 of the Special Session of 1933 repealed Sections 257-
261 of Article 15 of the Code of Public Local Laws relating to the
shipment of alcoholic beverages into Kent County.
In Montgomery County, under Chapter 29 of the Special Session
of 1933, no licenses for the sale of alcoholic beverages authoried
by the state-wide law (Chapter 2 of the Special Session of 1933)
shall be issued in the following Election Districts:
Barnesville, Clarksburg, Colesville, Damascus, Darnestown,
Gaithersburg, Laytonsville, Obey, Poolesville and the towns of
Kensington and Takoma Park. There is a provision, however, that
upon the filing of a petition, signed by not less than 30% of the
registered and qualified voters of any one of said Election Dis-
tricts, with the Supervisors of Elections!! and the certification by the
Board of Supervisors of Elections to the Liquor Control Board of
the adequacy of such petition, it shall be lawful for the Board to
approve the issuance of such licenses, provided such petition shall
be filed before Dec. 31, 1934. If such a petition be filed it is made
the duty of the Supervisors of Elections to hold a special elec-
tion on the fourth Tuesday of April, in the year 1935, for submis-
sion to the voters of said district or districts the question as to
whether the license system in effect in other parts of Montgomery
County shall be extended to said district.
Licenses for the sale of alcoholic beverages, authorized by Chap-
ter 2 of the Special Session of 1933, may be issued in the Bethesda,