Sizth Congressional District
David J. Lewis, Cumberland, Allegany County, Md.
Harold C. Smith, Roekville, Montgomery County, Md.
Counties Lewis Smith
Allegany 14,242 10,837
Garrett 2,288 2,389
Washington ....11,483 7,371
Frederick 10,032 6,287
Montgomery .... 11,081 8,105
Totals 49,12634,989
Amendment to Section III of Article IV of the Constitution of the
State of Maryland, title "Judiciary Department," eliminating the pro-
vision empowering the General Assembly to continue in office Judges
who have reached the age of seventy years, proposed by Chapter 479 of
the Acts of the General Assembly of 1931.
For Against
Constitutional Constitutional
Counties and Baltimore City Amendment Amendment
Allegany 6,812 4,740
Anne Arundel 3,425 1,149
Baltimore 19,123 3,288
Calvert - 349 143
Caroline 682 314
Carroll 1,090 816
Cecil 2,304 2,523
Charles 416 311
l)orchester - 1,455 1,627
Frederick 3,675 3,462
Garrett 664 2,416
Harford - 2,778 1,354
Howard 2,390 569
Kent - 630 569
Montgomery - - 9,323 1,994
PrinceGeorge’s 7,746 -1,512
Queen Anne’s 819 254
St. Mary’s 756 279
Somerset 753 452
Talbot -....- 1,057 397
Washington 7,770 5,856
Worcester 800 633
Wicomico - 878 520
Baltimore City - 69,741 16,058
Totals .. 145,436 51,297