hold Arts. Vocational Training Department is supplied with modern
equipment. A new trades building and a new academic building have
recently been erected.
In connection with speech and lip-reading, as taught to all children,
vocal exercises, with aid of the piano, are given to encourage the speech
habit, develop the vocal organs and aid in correct enunciation and pitch
of voice. A Radioear, with hone conduction receivers, the latest electrical
appliance for aiding the hard of hearing, has been installed.
A homelike atmosphere prevails. The school is strictly nonsectarian.
Enrollment, 190 pupils.
Address all applications or other communications pertaining to the
school to Ignatius Bjorlee, LL. D., Superintendent and Principal.
(Formerly Maryland School for Boys).
Loch Raven, Maryland.
Ex-Officio Members:
Governor Alhert C. Ritchie.
Comptroller William S. Gordy, Jr.
Treasurer John M. Dennis.
Appointed by the Governor:
Name Postoffice Term Expires.
William H. Matthai...Baltimore City 1939
S. Duncan BlackBaltimore County 1939
Allen L. Carter Baltimore City 1939
Lawrason Riggs Baltimore City 1935
Thomas A. Murray Baltimore City 1935
Clarence W. Perkins Baltimore City 1935
James A. Gary, Jr Baltimore City 1937
William G. Baker, JrBaltimore City 1937
Carlyle Barton . Baltimore City 1937
James A. Pratt.
The Governor, without the consent of the Senate, appoints nine
members of the Board of Managers, three for two years, three for four
years, and three for six years from June 1, 1918, and as these terms
expire successors are appointed for the full term of six years from
,June 1. These, with the Governor, the State Comptroller and the State
Treasurer, constitute the Board of Managers. (Ch. 300, 1918.)
The institution receives white boys on commitment of any Court,
Juvenile Court, or Justice of the Peace. Boys are assigned in a train-
ing program of general education, agricultural, and industrial arts.
Communications should be addressed to the Superintendent of the
institution, Loch Raven, Maryland.
Reisterstown, Md.
Ex-Officio Member: The Governor.
Name PostofficeTerm Expires.
Mrs. Wm. V. Elder - Baltimore City 1939
Mrs. Howard Schwarz Baltimore City 1939
Helen C. Bartlett ....Baltimore City 1939
Miss Justina Hill Baltimore City 1935
Clarence A. Tucker Baltimore City 1935