Sanitary Commission shall he in addition to salary received by him in
latter capacity, a Secretary Treasurer shall be paid an annual salary of
$2,000.00, a General Counsel a salary of $2,400 per annum. The Sec-
retary-Treasurer and the General Counsel shall be residents of the
county in which the Chairman does not reside. Offices shall be main-
tained in both Montgomery and Prince George's County. The Commis-
sion shall publish annually in at least one newspaper in Montgomery
and Prince George's County a full and true account of its receipts,
disbursements, etc., which shall have been audited by The State Auditor.
The duties of the commission shall consist of planning, guiding and
accomplishing a co ordinated, comprehensive, adjusted, systematic and
harmonous development of the district's highways, parks and other
public places and public works, the acquisition of land for these pur-
poses and the construction, maintenance and operation necessary there-
Office, 812 Tower Building, Washington, D. C.
Name Address
Irvin Owings . . . Hyattsville, Prince George's Co.
Thomas Hampton 109 Chevy Chase Drive, Bethesda
General Counsel.
J. Bond Smith,
7059 Eastern Ave... Takoma Park, Montgomery County
Appraiser and Land Purchasing Officer
Curtis Walker . . . Chevy Chase
Chief Engineer
Irving C. Root . Silver Spring
Member Ex Officio -.
T. Howard Duckett . . . . ... . Hyattsville
James H. Cissel -.....- -.......... Silver Spring
Robert G. Hilton . . ..... ... Rockville
George P. Hoover . . West Lenox Road, Chevy Chase
George N. Palmer . ..., .. .. Seat Pleasant
(Acts 1927 Ch. 559.)
To consider questions concerning the welfare of colored people resid-
ing in Maryland, recommend legislation and sponsor movements look-
ing to the welfare of such people and to the improvement of interracial
Albert S. Cook, State Superintendent of Schools, ex officio.
Judge Morris A. Soper, 102 W. 39th Street, Baltimore.
Senator George C. Peverley, Mechanicsville.
Harry E. Parkhurst, Iglehart Building, Baltimore