The State Athletic Commission is charged, with the supervision
of boxing and wrestling in Maryland. It appoints all officials con-
nected with the sport and its power is absolute. For its supervision;
it collects 10 per cent of the gross receipts of all boxing and wrestling
Under the provisions of Section 7, Sub-title Finance Department, of
Chapter 29 of the Acts of 1922, this Commission accounts monthly to
the State Treasury Department for its receipts and disbursements.
Name. Term Expires. Postoffice
Appointed by Prince George's County:
T. Howard Duckett, Chairman 1937 . Hyattsville
Appointed by the Governor:
Emory H. Bogley . 1937 . Bethesda
Appointed by Montgomery County
J. Donald Clagett . . . 1937 . ... Silver Spring
Chief Engineer:
Robert B. Morse ... Hyattsville
J. Darby Bowman . . Rockville
This Commission consists of three members, one appointed by the
Governor, one appointed by the County Commissioners of Prince
George's County, and one appointed by the County Commissioners of
Montgomery County, the latter two upon the recommendation of the
State Beord of Health, for a term of four years from the 1st day of
May. (Ch. 122,1918.)
Acts of 1929, Chapters 318 and 219.
This commission is authorized to license aviators and airships in
this State, to make air traffic rules and to regulate the construction
and maintenance of airports and landing fields, the exercise of such
functions to conform as far as possible to the provisions of the Federal
law on the same subjects. The law provides that three of the five mem-
bers of the commission shall be licensed pilots or have had at least five
years' actual experience as pilots. Terms three years each.
Dr. Hugh H. Young, Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, Chairman.
Clarence W. Whealton, Lawyer, Salisbury.