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Maryland Manual, 1933
Volume 150, Page 469   View pdf image (33K)
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sembly after the adoption of this Constitution, who shall
hold his office for the term of four years, and until the elec-
tion and qualification of his successor.

SEC. 2. His qualifications shall be the same as those pre-
scribed for the Comptroller; he shall qualify and enter upon
the duties of his office on the second Monday of January
next succeeding the time of his election; and a vacancy in
the office shall be filled by the Governor for the residue of
the term.

SEC. 3. He shall perform such of the duties now devolved
by law upon the Commissioners of Immigration and the Im-
migration Agent, as well promote the object for which those
officers were appointed, and such other duties as may be as-
signed to him by the General Assembly, and shall receive a
salary of twenty-five hundred dollars a year; and after his
election and qualification, the offices before mentioned shall

SEC. 4. He shall supervise all the State inspectors of
agricultural products and fertilizers, and from time to time
shall carefully examine and audit their accounts, and pre-
scribe regulations not inconsistent with law, tending to se-
cure economy and efficiency in the business of their offices.
He shall have the supervision of the tobacco warehouses, and
all other buildings used for inspection and storage purposes
by the State; and may, at the discretion of the Legislature,
have the supervision of all public buildings now belonging
to, or which may hereafter, be erected by the State. He shall
frequently inspect such buildings as are committed to his
charge, and examine all accounts for labor and materials re-
quired for their construction or repairs.

SEC. 5. He shall inquire into the undeveloped resources
of wealth of the State of Maryland, more especially concern-
ing those within the limits of the Chesapeake Bay and its
tributaries, which belong to the State, and suggest such
plans as may be calculated to render them available as
sources of revenue.

SEC. 6. He shall make detailed reports to every General
Assembly within the first week of its session, in reference to
each of the subjects committed to his charge, and he shall
also report to the Governor, in the recess of the Legislature,
all abuses or irregularities which he may find to exist in any
department of public affairs with which his office is con-

SEC. 7. The office hereby established shall continue for
four years from the date of the qualification of the first in-
cumbent thereof, and shall then expire, unless continued by
the General Assembly.


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Maryland Manual, 1933
Volume 150, Page 469   View pdf image (33K)
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