No 38 One Flag of the First Maryland Battalion Infantry,
C. S. A. In the battle of Hatcher's Run these Flags became a trophy of
the 123rd Ohio Regiment and was returned to the State of Maryland by
Ohio in 1909.
No. 39. Guidon of Battery A, First Maryland Volunteers, Federal
Army, partially destroyed at the Battle of Games Mills, Va, June 27,
1862, while its bearer was destroying ammunition to prevent its cap-
ture by the Confederate troops.
Colors in the World War.
List of Colors and Standards turned over to the State of Maryland by
the United States upon demobilization of organizations named
Organization. Colors or Standards.
115th Infantry ... . ... U. S. & Regtel. (2)
110th Machine Gun Battalion . ...... - " " " " (2)
313th Infantry . .......... . " " " " (2)
808th Pioneer Infantry . ... . " " " " (2)
Organization Colors or Standards
811th Pioneer Infantry ........... . " " " " (2)
310th Field Artillery .......- . " (1)
112th Machine Gun Battalion . ..... . " " " " (2)
110th Field Artillery . . . Regtal. (1)
361st Field Artillery ... -......... . " " " " (2)
351st Field Artillery . .............. . " (Nat. Bunting) (1)
33rd Field Artillery . " " " Regtal. ( 1 )
351st Field Artillery " " " Guidons (6)
72nd Infantry, 29th Division Nat Reg Stand (2)
167th Infantry, 79th Division " " " Guidon (1)
117th Trench Motor Battery " " "Guidon (1)
No. 40 The "Old Gosnell Flag Presented by Lieutenant Hall of
Sixth Massachusetts Infantry. Flag was made in Baltimore on April
19, 1861, the day of which the mob in the City of Baltimore assaulted
the Sixth Massachusetts Infantry Regiment on its march through the
streets from one depot to another,
No. 41. War of the Conquest Flag Tins flag was presented to
Major Thomas G. McNicholas, One Hundred and Fifteenth U. S. In-
fantry at Trieste, Italy, July, 1919 by Fraulein Ada Korbl, whose family
befriended the Captain of the Frigate "Novara".
No. 42. Flag of the Second Regiment, Maryland State Guard Con-
sists of a regimental and National Standard and were used by the
Maryland State Guard, which regiment was organized for home pur
poses while the National Guard of Maryland were in France.
No. 43 Flag of the Fourth Infantry, Maryland National Guard.
This Bag was used by the Fourth Infantry, Maryland National Guard,
until its mobilization and transfer into the United States Army in
March, 1917.
No. 44. Maryland Naval Militia Colors, These colors were carried
in parade from the church to the Howard Street Armory, Baltimore
on the occasion of the departure of the Maryland National Militia for
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 9th April, 1917, when mustered into World
War Service.