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Maryland Manual, 1932
Volume 149, Page 6   View pdf image (33K)
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City Hall, Baltimore.
Executive Officer, Horace B. Flack, Baltimore.

The function of the Department of Legislative Reference is to col-
lect, compile and index information on all questions of proposed legis-
lation, to investigate and report upon the laws of Maryland and other
States at the request of the Governor, any committee or member of the
General Assembly, or the head of any State Department. It is also
made the duty of the Department to prepare or aid in the preparation
of any bill or resolution on the request of any member of the Legis-
lature, and to maintain an office at Annapolis during the sessions of
the Legislature. There is on file in the Department a complete set of
all bills which have been introduced in the Legislature of Maryland
from 1908 to 1931, inclusive, with a full index of same, and the Codes
and Laws of the other States. (Chapter 474 of the Acts of 1916, An.
Code Art. 41, Sec. 64-65.)


(Terms Expire 1935)

Name. Postoffice
Alexander Armstrong .......... .. Hagerstown
John Hinkley . . .. . Baltimore
Randolph Barton, Jr......... . ......... . Baltimore

Governor appoints three for a term of four years. (Chaps. 484 and
609, 1927.)

These Commissioners are appointed as the Maryland Representatives
on the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws,
the purpose of which is to promote uniformity in State laws on all
subjects where uniformity is deemed desirable and practicable.


Name. Postoffice.
State Librarian:
Miss Mary E. Shearn (Term expires 1935) Annapolis

Custodian of Works of Reference:
Miss Frances B. Wells Annapolis

Indexer and Cataloguer:
Frank P. Bassett ......... .. Annapolis

The State Librarian is appointed by the Governor, with the consent
of the Senate, to hold office during the term of the Governor (Con-
stitution, Art. 7, Sec 3); the Custodian of Works of Reference is ap-
pointed by the Governor, with the consent of the Senate, for a term
of two years or until the appointment of a successor. (Ch 50, 1906) ;
the Indexer and Cataloguer is appointed by the Governor, with the con-
sent of the Library Committee, for a term of two years or until his suc-
cessor is duly appointed and qualified. (Ch. 271, 1900 )

The Librarian is required to have counted all volumes received in
the Library and to keep a record of the same, including the Maryland
Session Laws, the House and Senate Journals, the Maryland Reports,
and all volumes named in various legislative bills, etc., giving a certified


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Maryland Manual, 1932
Volume 149, Page 6   View pdf image (33K)
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