Deaf, Relief of 98
Deaf, School for ................ 23
Declaration of Rights ............. 379
Delegates to Colonial Congress, 1765 ........................ 343
Delegates to Continental Congress from Maryland, 1774-1788 343
Democratic National Committeeman and Committeewoman 237
Democratic State Central Committee ................................ 237
Dennis, John M. (Sketch) ............................................... 270
Dental Examiners' Board .............. 70
Department of Charities ....................... 44
Department of Education .......................... 17
Department of Forestry ............................................. 34
Department of Health ................................... 46
Department of Law ... 17
Department of Legislative Reference -......... 6
Department of Militia .................................... 36
Department of Public Utilities .................................. 60
Department of Public Works ........................................... 49
Department of State Employment and Registration ........ 68
Department of Welfare ........................................... 39
Deputy Commanders.Conservation Department ......... 56
Director of Health .................................. 46
Director of State Aid and Charities -........... 44
Division of Deposit and Disbursement.................. 16
Division of Financial Review and Control .............. 7
Dorchester County.Appointed and Elected Officers . 187
Drought Committee . . 99
Ducking Police.County.
( See under desired county. )
Eastern Shore State Hospital .......... 41
Education, Department of ,........ 17
Elected Officers.County.
(See under desired county.)
Election Returns ......... 244
Election Supervisors.County.
(See under desired county.)
Electrical Examiners' Board 71
Electrical Examiners for Anne Arundel County 120
Employment Commissioner 68
Executive Department -....... 3
Finance Department ...... 7
Fish Hatcheries .................. 58
Flags.Confederate .............. 317
Flags.Federal Army ......... , .... 315
Flags.World War .......... 318
Forestry, Department of......... 34
Frederick County.appointed and Elected Officers 189