1845. United States Naval Academy established at Annapolis.
1851. July 4.Second State Constitution adopted.
1851. Office of Chancellor abolished and a Commissioner of the Land
Office created.
1859. John Brown's raid on Harper's Ferry. Frederick County Mili-
tia first to arrive on scene.
1861. April 19.Sixth Massachusetts Regiment marched through Bal-
1861. May.Gen. B. F. Butler seizes Federal Hill and commands Bal-
1862. September.Battle of Antietam.
1883. July.Battle of Gettysburg.
1864. July.Battle of Monocacy.
1864. October 12.Third State Constitution adopted.
1867. September 18.Fourth State Constitution adopted.
1876. Johns Hopkins University opened.
1879. New foundation placed under State House and interior of
building modernized.
1889. Johns Hopkins Hospital opened.
1896. Geological and Economic Survey established.
1901. Court of Appeals building completed.
1902. Annex to State House commenced. Occupied by Legislature of
1906. The historic old Senate Chamber restored by Governor Edwin
1908. Good Roads movement begun.
1916. Troops of M. N. G. sent to the Mexican border.
1916. Budget System of appropriations adopted by the people of the
State as a part of the Constitution.
1916. State Law Department established under the Direction of the
1917. War sessions of the General Assembly.
1917. Maryland National Guard mustered into Federal service. Mary-
land Council of Defense appointed. Camp Meade located in
Maryland; 313th Regiment organized.
1920. General Assembly passes measures providing for Merit System
applicable to State employees, and also creating Centra]
Purchasing Agency.
1920. Special session of the General Assembly to pass laws enabling
women to register and vote.
1922. Reorganization of State Government and Amendment to Con-
stitution providing for biennial elections ratified by the
1922. Nation-wide coal strike. Governor Ritchie, alone of all the
Governors of coal producing States, declined President Hard-
ing's request to send troops to mines to put down strikers.
1927. Legislation for the conservation and replenishment of the oyster
supply adopted. Gasoline Tax increased Two Cents, One and
one-half Cents for Lateral Roads and One-half Cent for the
elimination of Grade-crossings. Establishment of Teachers'
Retirement Fund.
1929. Most extensive program ever adopted in Maryland for highway
construction, arterial highways forming trade routes to Balti-
more City, construction of bridges and elimination of rail-
road grade crossings. Legislation for Vocational Rehabilita-
tion, Education of Crippled Children, Mothers' Pensions and
Airports and Aviation. State Tax Rate reduced from 36.31-72c
for 1920 to 25c for 1930 and 1931.
1930. Special Session of the General Assembly to change existing regis-
tration days in Baltimore City. The same conflicted with
certain sacred Jewish Holidays, on which the Jews could not
register without violating the tenets of their faith, and the
changes were made in order to enable them to register and
to vote.