County Seat.Cumberland.
Origin of Name.From Oolikhanna, meaning beautiful stream.
Date of Formation.1789. Area.425.16 square miles.
Court Terms.Jury, first Monday in January and October, second
Monday in April. Non-Jury, first Thursday in July.
Orphans' Court Days.Every Tuesday and Friday.
Elected Officers
(All elected officers may be addressed at the County Seat.)
Name Office Term Expires
William A. Huster .. State's Attorney 1935
Lloyd L. Shaffer Clerk of the Circuit Court 1934
Hervey W. Shuck Register of Wills . . 1934
Hugh A Hotchkiss . County Sheriff ........ 1934
Perry A. Nicklin County Treasurer 1935
Nelson W. Russler County Commissioner . 1934
A. Charles Stewart, President County Commissioner . 1934
Henry A. Bachman County Commissioner ........ 1934
Thomas P. Richards Clerk to County Commissioners 1934
John Scott, Sr. Judge Orphans' Court (Chief) 1934
Walter Powell Judge Orphans' Court .. 1934
Virgil T. Wolford Judge Orphans' Court 1934
Hume 0. Annan (Dem ) Road Director 1935
Myles J. Stakem . (Dem ) Road Director . 1935
Lucian C. Radcliff (Rep ) Road Director . 1935
Lewis J. Harris (Rep.) Road Director . 1935
Vacancy . County Surveyor
Officers Appointed by the Governor.
Justices of the Peace
(All Terms Expire 1933 )
Name District. Postoffice
Robert E King . . Juvenile Magistrate Cumberland
Frank A Perdew . Cumberland (Peoples' Court) Cumberland
Frederick A Puderbaugh Cumberland (Peoples' Court) Cumberland
Edward J Donahue ... Frostburg (Police Magistrate) Frostburg
Clayton Purnell . .. Frostburg (Police Magistrate) Frostburg
0. Leo Connell . 8th . . Westernport
P. H. Gallagher, Jr. . 9th and 25th . Barton
William J Ford 10th and 15th .. Lonaconing
Peter J. Boyle . .. 13th .. . . Mt. Savage
Thomas C Stakem . 18th and 27th . . Midland
Chas. E. Thorpe ................... 31st . P. 0. Box 521, Keyser, W. Va.